Thursday, November 12, 2009

Worth the Early Rising

This year D2 is an editor of her school paper, and they have a new faculty advisor. He's the coolest looking high school teacher I've ever seen --Jamaican American, with dreadlocks, and a clipped way of speaking. Plus, he's a Cane, so he must be smart.

He's taking 20 newspaper and year book kids to D.C. today for a student journalist convention. One of D2's classmates's fathers is a big shot in the Democratic Party, so the kids are also scheduled for a VIP tour of the Capitol.

I woke up at 5 this am to take D2 to MIA. We met her classmates, the teacher, and the two parent chaperones, one of whom is our friend Loni.

Talk about exhuberant! These kids were so excited about the trip --laughing and joking with each other despite the early hour, acting like adults but keeping their youthful energy going --it was a sight to behold.

Dr. Barry texted D2 to wish her a great trip, and she asked what he's doing up so early. I explained that he's on service in the PICU, and has probably already saved the life of a kid or two. She believed me, I think.

D2 called Wifey to say goodbye, and told her I looked sad. "I think Dad really wants to go."

She's right, of course. I'm here in my office ready to speak to some annoying, greedy clients, and D2's group is soon off to D.C. to explore and learn. Hmm--not much of a choice.

The teacher is planning anohter trip in March --to Columbia University --for another student journalist program. There'll be side trips to Broadway and some NY museums.

You can bet I'll be on THAT plane, trying to play the role of the cool parent chaperone.

As I drove East on the Dolphin, the sunrise painted a gorgeous back drop to the Miami skyline. It was a new day. With young folks, it's ALWAYS a new day.

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