Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Out of Touch

I had lunch with Dr. Frank at Michael's Genuine Food yesterday. He was in from LA for a dive trip. He mentioned that he dined recently with some hot actor named Pattinson. I had no idea who he was.

I mentioned this to Wifey, and she was shocked. It seems that this fellow is "The" actor in Hollywood now, in some sort of vampire flicks. I'm ,like, totally out of touch.

I wonder if my 8 track tapes still play. I remember in the late 70s, when my Dad bought me my first car, I had a choice between an 8 track deck and a cassette. I picked the 8 track. I picked wrong.

Years later, when Wifey and I first moved in together, VCRs were coming out. We had a choice between VHS and Betamax formats. One of my life's mentors, Ed Perse, had a huge Betamax collection, and told me to choose that one. Again, it was the wrong choice...

So it's no wonder I don't know who the latest stars are. I'm an anachronism.

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