Friday, November 6, 2009


A few years ago, our friends from the English Midlands visited, and we chatted about religion. Dave was raised Catholic, and Sandra Protestant, but both are "lapsed." Most of their friends are, too --the only observant folks they knew are some Muslims and the odd Orthodox Jew.

It struck them how much more religious the US was.

Last week in Highlands, NC, Dana and I were sitting in the very cozy Old Edwards Inn library, waiting for Eric and Wifey. We were reading, and drinking tea. In the seating area behind us, a couple and another fellow were carrying on a conversation. It went like this:

"Wow --the three of us are the picture of diversity! I'm a Baptist, you're a Methodist, and your little wife there --she's Episcopalian."

"Yep, we sure are. But we all know there's the same Lord -- Jesus Christ, our Savior!"

Dana and I were like a couple of junior high kids who want to laugh, but have to keep it inside because the teacher's there.

First, the fact that these three Southern WASPs thought they represented Diversity was too much, and second the tone of the fellow, assuming that EVERYONE was Christian --struck us as hilarious.

But that's the way it is in the good ole' USA.

I admire truly religious folks, I really do. Some of them have pure hearts, and are convinced that God has a plan for them. I've always loved the line from the Counting Crows song "I wanna be someone who believes!"

But this idea that one's beliefs are for everyone, this arrogant "Well we ALL know" --nah, doesn't cut it with me.

So, for Eric, Dana, Wifey and me, the "We ALL KNOW who the Lord is" will remain a catch phrase from a great vacation, along with "Farm raised Elk."

To that wonderful, glorious mosaic of diversity sitting behind us, I guess it's something much more serious.

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