Monday, November 9, 2009

The Better Season

It's here, finally --the best time of the year to live in Miami. The oppressive heat is gone, and we're getting into the heart of terrific activities.

The neighbors seem to sense it, too. Saturday night we went to Wifey's Book Club Meeting, Husband's Division. The local ladies who lunch and read decided last year to expand their social activities to include the husbands, and take turns hosting dinners.

It was Ellen's turn Saturday, and 3 1/2 couples went to her house. Ellen is a Venezuelan Jew, and she cooked Pad Thai! We had great conversation and laughs, and afterward walked Jody, the 1/2 couple (her husband Bob was up in Maine closing up their summer house for the winter) home. As we did, we felt the lovely, almost cool evening breeze.

It was also truly a pleasure Saturday watching my Canes and not sweating. The day was overcast and most comfortable. I savor the late Fall games for this reason.

Yesterday I went with Drs. Ken and David and Ken's boys to the renewal of the Homestead Air Force base Open House. Maybe some men get over their infatuation of really cool machines, like jet fighters. I'm not one of them. The planes soared and kicked in afterburners, setting off car alarms. Ken is a retired Navy flight surgeon who has been privileged to fly supersonic a few times, and spent over a year on an aircraft carrier during the Gulf War. He regaled Dave and me with his tales.

The Book Fair started yesterday, and Wifey is all excited, because the author of a memoir and loves is speaking tomorrow night. She plans to come Downtown and we'll ride the People Mover to the event.

Sunday we'll go back for the big outdoor Street Fair, an even we love each year.

Yes --it's what I call the better season, and we're in it. It looks like the hurricanes have spared us again this year, although the poor bastards in the Gulf are hunkering sown in advance of a late storm season blast.

I say --bring on the cooler weather, and all the neat stuff we get to do in Miami.

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