Monday, November 2, 2009

Hot Autumn

So it was back to the 305, where the heat is still on. Wifey and I stayed home Halloween night, giving out candy to the neighborhood kids. It really is remarkable to see how they mature from one year to the next.

A few years after we moved in, a wonderful family moved in across the street, with an adorable 3 year old red haired boy. He came by, now in 7th grade, and a fine young man. He always calls Wifey and I "Mr. and Mrs." and we then tell him to use our first names. In the few minutes we spent with him, he made some remarks using grad student vocabulary. Wifey and I agreed this young man will be going places, as they used to say.

My Canes eked out a victory, and all of my diehard friends and I agreed it was one of the most disappointing wins in awhile --the team was flat, and nearly lost to a really crummy opponent.

Yesterday I drove to Dr. Barry's, where he and his wife hosted Dr. Eric and his boy and me for a Dolphins watch party. Barry and his boys are Jets fans, and the 3 Fins backers had a great time with the 3 Jets partisans. It was a terrific game, all back and forth. The Dolphins won, so Eric and his boy and I got to strut a bit to Barry and HIS sons.

I don't have sons, but if I did, I'd be thrilled if they were like the 3 young men I spent yesterday with. It's cool to be their uncle.

So, back to the quotidian. D2 is fighting a bad cold, and I brought her breakfast to her room as she dressed for school. I told her to stay home, but she explained, tartly, that she had 2 tests, and a review for a third, etc...

Her focus and commitment continually amaze me. My senior year I'd stay home if it were too cold or hot outside. This kid really has it going on.

Up at UF, D1 has exams, and a suddenly misbehaving puppy to deal with. I figure she'll handle it --the dog weighs less than 10 lbs. D1 will show her who's the boss!

Now when's that cooler weather coming?

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