Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sign Posts

MY friend Stuart called yesterday, and we caught up. I'm thrilled for him, since he just settled two major cases. I'm even more thrilled that they're cases I referred to him, so my firm will share in fees!

More importantly, he told me his son just celebrated his 7th birthday. He also has a 5 year old. Stuart is a year older than I am.

I started wondering what it would be like to have little kids at this age. I stopped wondering --I'm thankful I don't. It seems to me that parenting small ones is best left to those in their 20s and 30s. I rather enjoy days around my house not worrying about fingers in electrical sockets and toddlers in swimming pools.

Then again, as Wifey observes: little kids; little problems; big kids; big problems.

The way I figure it, I'm resting and saving up my energy for grandkids. We'll re-baby proof our house when that happens, because I already plan on essentially having my girls give birth, and then taking the babies to raise for awhile. I hope my Ds and their husbands agree with this arrangement. (I'll give them back when they have tantrums --the babies, not my daughters).

On another note, I just read a terrific quote from an old Long Island friend on FaceBook: "It takes a family to raise a mother." I'm assuming he's dealing with his mother's decline, as Wifey and I are doing here. As someone noted --"It's no fun."

Speaking of which, Very Old Mom called over the weekend, happy, and wondering why I didn't tell her about the "new" photo of her great granddaughters that I fetched from her mail and placed on her coffee table. I didn't, I told her.

The only package that came was a book that Wifey had ordered for her, which I opened and left for her. She had forgotten a photo she received last Summer --the last time she heard from or saw her great granddaughters, and assumed it had recently arrived.

She wasn't at all sad or upset when I pointed out the mistake --she truly savored the "newly discovered" photo. It was like a little girl finding an old doll in her closet. I just hope Mom keeps that positive attitude as the seas become even stormier.

Meanwhile, MY little girl turns 21 this Friday. I remember when she turned 7. It sure doesn't seem like that long ago...

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