Sunday, September 5, 2010

Successful Test Drive

I wandered downstairs this am, and took the regular dog and granddog to get our 2 Sunday papers: the Herald and NY Times. I brought them in, made coffee and sat down in the kitchen. "Wait," Wifey said -- "let's go to the library."

So we did. We had our first Sunday try out of our new room. It worked splendidly...

The floor guys came by yesterday and put in the thresholds, which were missing when they put in the wood floors. We've moved all the books in. Wifey has finished decorating.

She's justly proud of the job she did. She bought a gorgeous wooden table that Ethan Allen sold for close to $1000, on Cragi's list for $75. She found a secretary's desk on Brickell Key for $60. The rest of the stuff came from our major house project --the post kids de-cluttering...

I put on WDNA on my old Bose radio, and soft jazz played. The dogs slept. We read and chatted. My California sister called, and we caught up with her over speaker phone.

When Wifey and I first moved in together, in 1985, it was to a one bedroom apartment near Dadeland Mall. We used to buy "General Foods International Coffees," which advertised that drinking them "celebrated the moments of your life."

We'd make one, which were delicious since they were probably 90 % sugar, and share it, mocking the commercial.

But we weren't really mocking. We were enjoying each other's company, in a simple way, over too sweet coffee...

And this am, 1/4 of a century later, we find ourselves doing and enjoying the same things.

So, we now have a great new room to moment-celebrate in...

The simple pleasures...

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