Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Big 60

My law partner Paul turned 60 yesterday, and had a fine dinner to celebrate. Paul wanted to keep it low key, so he only had a birthday weekend, instead of a whole week. He visited some friends in Philly on Friday, and then his daughter in NYC on Saturday.

We met last night at a great Italian place, D'Angelo's, in Fort Lauderdale.

We ate family style chicken and fish, and calimari, and veggies. The food was awesome. Wine flowed, as did laughter...

Paul brought a photo collage of HIS father's 60th birthday party, which was held in Atlantic City. George would die only 6 years later, of prostate cancer...

Paul's son Alex toasted his father by noting that 60 seems different these days than it did 25 years ago. I agree: when MY father was 60, he was already an old man, in my eyes. He wasn't traveling the world, or dating a former Miss Lima...

I toasted Paul, by noting that one of his favorite lines is that "things aren't always like they appear." He likes to point out when people act contrary to their natures... I enjoy that, too.

But, last night, the appearance of the gathering was of a man very much beloved by his family and friends. As our friend Stuart noted, a man who "always knows how to elevate people, to make fun seem more deeply fun."

The appearance was accurate. For He's a jolly good fellow...

Wifey and I drove Mirta back to Miami, and we dropped by D1's apartment to fetch the granddog.

We talked about Mirta's future. With the coming changes in my law firm, there are no guarantees about her job. She's thought about moving to Madrid for 6 months or so, just to see what it's like. I hope she goes --I told her my final bonus to her would be a ticket on AA from MIA to Madrid, with an open return. She's thinking about it --it's scary to follow your dreams.

Paul has always done that --follow his dreams.

And, at 60, he's had a life well lived...

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