Sunday, September 12, 2010

Football Saturday

Well, the Canes had their biggest game in awhile, against Ohio State, and they were awful. They turned the ball over 4 times, which any football expert will tell you almost instantly guarantees a loss, especially at a hostile field.

Still, my day was a stunning success...

The team's fortunes are one thing, but for me, it's the brotherhood that means the most. I hosted Barry and his boys, Jim and his young son, and Kenny. We sat up in the football room, ate pizza, and drank beer. Eric texted throughout. I got a call from Mike, who was suffering in Colombus.

Earlier in the day, I facebook chatted with Norman, also in Ohio, as well as my partner Paul.

The point is, the Canes are a commonality to our long friendships, a departure point for our discussions, the scratch in the beaker that lets the crystals of our memories form...

Kenny left with his boy Adam, and then Jim stayed awile. I gave his boy Jacob a model T Bird car I own, and he beamed. Jim is lobbying for a pet dog, which his wife opposes, so he took photos of Jacob hugging our ancient Labrador. I'm betting Sandra relents...

As I age, I've acquired personal wisdom that gives me such joy: I only surround myself with people whose company I cherish and savor. For years, I did things out of various sorts of obligations. No more.

If you're watching a Canes game with me, it's because I've chosen you to enjoy this special pleasure with me. And I have the best time of all...

Barry, Scott, Josh and I headed for a late night frozen yogurt. We laughed more, and the boys checked out the "305 talent."

On the way home, I called D2, who was studying in her dorm. She went to a pre game Gator barbecue, but skipped the Gator's second home game. I'm so proud of her!

Today, D1 is here, fighting a virus with the help of Daddy tea, and Wifey's TLC... I think Wifey is even more excited for the unplanned Granddog visit.

I'll relax, and watch the Dolphins at 1.

The next Canes game isn't until the following Thursday. I hope they win. I know my old friends and I will talk about the game, before, during, and after --regardless of the outcome...

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