Friday, September 17, 2010


We're all judgmental of others, particularly those who say "I never judge, but..." It's the nature of humans with any sense of morality. We all have lines we say we never cross, no matter how relativistic we are...

One of the people I admire most (not the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) admits to sanctimoniousness. I was surprised recently, about his view on something very simple. It involved a fellow Jew "not properly" honoring Yom Kippur, which falls tomorrow, even though her parents were Holocaust Survivors. No --not Wifey...

It got me to thinking about the roots of my own apostasy. They began with my father.

We only gave lip service to YK in my childhood. The "fasting" probably lasted until a 2 pm pop tart, and our "break fasts" were hours before sundown.

I remember driving past a Conservative synagogue with my Dad on YK. The parking lot was empty (driving on the Holiest of Days was frowned upon), but the surrounding side streets were clogged with Jewish cars.

My father pointed it out the hypocrisy to me, and said this whole "appearance only" on the Highest Day got to him.

Now, Rabbi Yossi would say that the fact that the drivers CARED about their acts shows its innate importance --that God dwells deep down.

I don't know. I really don't. I wish I did...

So, tonight, D2 is flying home from UF via Orlando, and I plan to be at MIA rather than shul for Kol Nidre. Wifey's best friend Edna and her husband Marc are coming to town, last minute, for Marc to get a medical consult at the U.

I do plan to fast, but I'm making my own hours --probably 3 pm to 3 pm tomorrow. My friend Todd in Colorado is doing the same --he has a plane to catch YK afternoon, and figures he'll back up his atoning a few hours.

We've decided this is how modification of religion takes place --idiots like us just do our own thing, and then sometimes it catches on.

So, if a huge thunder bolt comes down and zaps me, I guess I won't be completely surprised. He IS an ANGRY God, we're taught...

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