Monday, September 27, 2010

De Friended!

So I spend a fair amount of time on FaceBook (tm) since I have little productive going on at the office.

A few months ago I was on a Wantagh, LI site, and saw a familiar name among the posters. I recognized the last name as belonging to one of my Dad's business friends, and I reached out to the fellow on FB.

Sure enough, he was the son of the man I knew, and we took up a FB friendship. I'll call him Don Sucher, since that's his name, and I learned that he lives in New Hampshire and is a Neocon.

I always find it funny when Jews like me who grew up on LI start thinking they're Alabama Evangelical Christians. As if the Tea Party types have anything in common with them!

Still, Don and I posted and commented on each other's posts. His stuff was all pro Sarah Palin, Religious Right, and anti Obama.

I never met Don, but by his picture could tell he was out of nerdy LI central casting: small, balding, rides motorcycles, etc...

So my latest posting was about a minister in Georgia, an anti choice, anti gay fire and brimstone guy, who was sued by 4 boys for diddling them in the name of the Lord.

Don called me anti-Christian. I replied that though I WASN'T a Christian, I didn't think hypocritical stuff, and pedophilia made one a Christian.

For good measure, I posted a site about the spendthrift ways of Marco Rubio, a TeaParty candidate Don had lauded in HIS postings.

Well, today, Don de friended me! I was de friended by a guy I never even met!

A friend who followed our repartee commented that Don was a classic pendejo --a great Spanish term that literally means pubic hair, but is a strong put down of a person.

My political views are evolving, or de-evolving, as I age. I guess Don is sure of his, in the way the Evangelical friends he wishes he had are SURE about the Theory of Evolution being the work of the Devil, and untrue.

So --it serves me right, for dabbling in "virtual friends." I guess I do better in rhe real world, where my friends and I can share some drinks and laughs.

And, this pendejo's actions reinforce my prejudice AGAINST his type --make believe Conservatives who can't stand to hear the other side of arguments.

I think I like my Conservatives when they hang in Country Clubs, or Revival meetings --not Vietnam draft dodgers who grew up on LI...

De friended! Harrumph!

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