Wednesday, September 8, 2010

50 Years

I was chatting with Dr. Eric last night, and he told me that his father in law Ron is being honored next week by his company for 50 years of service. 50 years!

Talk about a throw back. Who does that any more --stays with a company for so long...

Ron's a sweetheart of a guy. He has degrees from the U and UF. He's an engineer. He joined Pratt and Whitney in West Palm, probably when there still WAS a Pratt and a Whitney! And in 1960, for goodness' sakes! He was with a major military contractor all through the Cold War, and Cuban missiles, and , well, all kinds of stuff!

He and Barbra raised 2 kids in West Palm, one of whom, Dana, married Eric 24 years ago. They're blessed with 2 nearly grown grandkids. Life has been sweet for them.

And, wow --50 years! I've been a lawyer for less than half that time, and am in the process of getting out. I was fatigued after barely 20 years...

The company is sending Ron and Barbra on an all expenses trip wherever they want to go in the US. They picked Hawaii. Apparently, the company's had this program in place for awhile, and Ron is the first one to make it to the 1/2 century mark.

I've never been clear on exactly what Ron does, but I'm guessing it has to do with jet engines, since that's what P and W seems to do in Florida.

All I know is, it's nice to see a truly nice fellow recognized for his years of service. There's such an old school nobility about it.

Among my friends, I don't see it happening again. Even my doctor friends, who put so much into getting where they are --they seem ready for a change after the kids are grown...

So way to go, Ron! I smile thinking about him sitting on a Hawaiian beach, thinking back over the last 1/2 century. His type of loyal company man may not pass this way again.

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