Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Back To The Routine

 So my Cali sister was the last to make it home, on account of the fact that she had to spend the night in Fresno after a late flight, and she marked the last of our houseguests to arrive safely back. I sent her a video of one of my favorite songs, John Denver's "Back Home Again" to mark the return. 

I went to my workout this am, and started moving again other than walking to the front gate to fetch the many UberEats orders of the past weekend, and it felt good. Today Wifey and I plan to go fetch the Little Man at school, and pick up Pollo Tropical for him and his family on the way home. Tomorrow I plan to visit the office.

Meanwhile, there was a local news story that reminded me how lucky I am, or was. It involves the arrest of a 73 year old Jewish grandmother at MIA, on her way to Vietnam, which apparently has no extradition treaty with the US and she may have avoided prosecution. Turns out she was the mastermind of a plot to have her former son in law killed -- a law professor at FSU.

The case was a sensational one. The husband, Dan Markel, refused to allow his wife, also an FSU professor, to return to Broward County with their 2 kids, after their divorce. So Wendy and her family simply agreed to have normal visits with the kids in Tally. Ha. As if. Grandma used her son, a dentist, to get his former street girlfriend/receptionist to hire her former boyfriend and his gangster friend to travel to Tally to kill Dan, the professor. It took awhile, but the former mother in law was finally arrested today.

Yeah -- my suegra Rachel and I had issues, but she never took out a contract to have me killed -- at least as far as I know.

Speaking of suegros, yesterday I gave my consuegros my tickets and parking pass for the final Canes home game. It's at noon, and I didn't have a date, and they SO enjoy the games, and so I transferred the tickets and pass to them. I plan to maybe shop for some new tropical fish in the Redlands instead, checking in on my mediocre team.

And before we know it, Thanksgiving is upon us! Wifey is busy making calls to Les the caterer and a party rental company. I told her to have people do EVERYTHING, so we can enjoy the day.

I am a true subscriber to the philosophy that I wish to spend my money on experiences instead of stuff. I collect nothing. I dress maybe one level above homeless guy. But when it comes to meals and the occasional trip -- I go first class all the way, and if Wifey can enjoy hosting our family instead of the tensosity of preparing for the visit -- well -- that's invaluable to me.

Of course, last year, I ended up schlepping anyway. Les sent over two servers -- a small older lady, and a strapping young fellow. The food and service were excellent, but at the end of the night, I saw the lady carrying all the equipment back to her car, alone. I asked her where the big guy was -- he was called away to some huge gathering in Gables Estates -- but she assured me she was fine.

Well, I was still nicely buzzed, and overfed, but no way was I going to let her do that manual work alone, and so I got nicely sweaty for the hour or so it took to load her car.

If that happens this year, I shall send her home, and call Les to tell him he can come fetch his stuff the following day. I pay to NOT schlep!

Ah -- to have decidedly First World problems! That's the best kind of problem to have.

So -- the family reunion was a fine one -- and now back to the quotidian, to use an underused word. 

But soon off to get Little Man...

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