Thursday, April 2, 2020

Well, I Got One In

So no April Fools' Day for me, and it was too bad. My buddy Norman reminded me that last year I had another good one -- posted on FaceBook (tm) that he had left his long time law firm to take over as the new Dean of UM's Law School. Scarily --many people accepted that as truth, despite the fact that other than teaching some seminars, Norman doesn't have much experience in law school academics.

Anyway -- another day slogged by. It finally rained a little, cheering Wifey, who has been watering the plants around the house. We had a record dry March.

I had a nice happy hour with Kenny -- just the two of us -- and compared notes of surviving the plague.

And then, nicely buzzed, I got an email from dear Stuart, my sweetest, most pure hearted friend. He's turning 60 this July, and is still well taken care of by his father Bill. We jokingly call Stuart Alfred E Neuman sometimes -- he refuses to worry about things that most of the rest of my friends and I agonize about.

Well -- he sent me an email with a crash report for a new case we have up in Orlando. I went full nihilist in my response. I told him we're about to die, leaving our kids orphans and HIS elderly parents bereft, and he is trifling with crash reports from Orlando?

This am, I read his response -- he's worried about me -- maybe the whole virus thing was finally cracking my solid base. The guy who had to become an adult 4 days before I turned 21 -- and has remained a caretaker of my family, friends, and elderly and failing parents was finally losing it.

Nah. I told him I had to squeeze out at least ONE April Fools joke. It was late in the day, and the Tito's was working its magic.

But the truth is, these times DO suck. Badly. Of course I daily count my blessings. Wifey and I are quarantined in paradise. Our sacred Ds are married to wonderful men -- able receivers of the torch I passed to take care of them. Our grandson is wildly adorable -- the son of two thin parents, and yet beautifully fat. As Kenny said -- pediatricians love fat babies.

Yesterday we FaceTimed, and then Zoomed, with my mother in law. The audio wasn't working, but we saw her, all plump and strong looking, in bed, her hair and nails done nicely. I have no idea how much she comprehends about the situation -- but she is a Survivor, and is surviving.

The Palace, where she lives, has, I believe, zero covid-19 cases. I'm sure it's because the owner, a savvy businessman, is a former Israeli IDF officer. He runs that place like one would expect -- there WOULD be no visitors during the pandemic. And the place is thriving -- except for the isolation.

I told Wifey I'm not giving up my prediction that her mother might outlive us...

Today -- more of the same. It's funny -- Wifey and I haven't had a regular dinner in over two weeks. We live like college aged roommates -- just grabbing whatever is there. Last night I toasted a frozen bagel, put some cheese on it, and had for dessert a chocolate protein bar. As I was going to bed, Wifey said "Are we ever going to have a normal dinner again?"  I said likely not while this is going on.

So we're in the midst of things. Each day...just getting through it. What else is there to do?

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