Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nattering Nabobs of Negatism

So the past few days slogged on, blanketed in the tensosity of the virus. I walked 8 miles Thursday and Friday -- on my anxiety constitutionals. My man Stuart caught me while I was out on one, and pointed out that I was basically pacing -- like a worried expectant father in the maternity waiting room. He's right -- but at least the gorgeous tropical foliage and varied architecture of the houses in my 'hood make it more scenic.

Thursday night, Wifey detected an even deeper than normal anxiety, and actually left the house, alone for the first time in 5 weeks, and fetched us some Shorty's barbecue. We ate outside, and it was indeed a lovely respite.

I check the IHME site throughout the day. It's the U Washington Center that most experts agree has the most accurate info about the plague. They used to update daily, but switched to twice a week, given the huge piles of data. So in the way I check the moving cones of death when a hurricane threatens, I keep looking.

On April 13, the IHME said Florida would peak on hospital use and deaths in May. They also predicted nearly 5000 Floridians would die. That was quite sobering.

Well, last night, the IHME updated. And it was GREAT news. Now, they concluded, Florida ALREADY peaked on hospital admissions, and deaths -- over a week ago. And they now predict fewer than 2000 deaths, statewide.

I felt as I do when the cone of death excludes Miami. I mean, I still feel bad for the poor bastards the storm will hit, but relieved it's likely to miss us.

I came home, and celebrated with a cocktail with my man Josh -- floating in his pool in Pembroke Pines. His Dad was driving home from the hospital. We hung up, and I was nicely buzzed, and then his Dad called. He had heard the news, of course.

At 7:30, my son in law Joey had set up a shabbos Zoom meeting -- to share a kiddush, or celebratory drink, to welcome in the day of rest. 

It was delightful -- his parents, sister in law, and both brothers attended. And then D2 joined in -- with an enormous mural of her nephew as her background. It looked like the Baby that Ate Cleveland -- it made all of our nights.

I also invited Eric and Barry to join. They did -- Barry to offer happy insight into our grandson's reaching 4 months old! And then the little guy made a cameo appearance.

Eric was home, alone, as he sent his wife Dana to live with their daughter, son in law, and new granddaughter, lest they get infected from Eric's hospital duties. He enjoyed being with us -- to forget about life for awhile, as Billy Joel sings.

We hung up, and Wifey and I were so happy with the wonderful, under the circumstances, night.

Then Sheryl called in, from Boston, and we chatted with her. She had set up a zoom party for Saturday, but was changing it to Sunday. Turns out we have other virtual plans, and can't make it. Sheryl was relentless -- maybe join in later..

And then, as I was drying off, naked on my balcony, from my nightly shower, I read more good news. A study seems to show the virus dies fast in direct sunlight -- and hot and humid weather is its enemy. Well -- it's already plenty hot and humid here -- so another plus for us.

This am, I posted a video of the Beatles "Here Comes the Sun," to share the positive news. Instantly, the negative comments started -- sadly, from my most wildly liberal FaceBook friends. "But what about the fact that our idiot governor is opening the beaches too soon?"  And "Does the study included all the nursing home deaths????"

Hell do I know? I'm not the epidemiologist here -- just a consumer of news who is very happy that it is finally somewhat positive.

It's almost like my most liberal, GOP and Trump hating friends, WANT more death and misery -- so they can heap more blame on the cartoon president. I can't stand him either, but I love good health and life more than I hate him. Geez.

So -- I will just laugh at these nattering nabobs -- a classic term coined by VP Agnew in the 70s.

And I shall not let them rain on my good news parade...

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