Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Mug

In these trying times, truly the simple pleasures mean so much. I received one today, courtesy of the US Mail.

There was a package, and I opened it. There was a coffee mug, from Latte Larry's -- the wonderful fictional "spite store" from this past year of "Curb." I loved it immediately. But there was no indication who bought it.

I guessed one of the Ds -- they know how much I loved the past season of the show featuring the best comical misanthrope of all time. I texted a photo. Nope -- they both loved it, but neither had sent it.

I finished taking in the Insta Cart delivery of Publix groceries, and had my Pub Sub. It was a fine afternoon -- mystery gift I really like, Pub Sub. The only thing missing was a nap -- which I took to some cooking show Wifey had ironically left on TV. I drifted off knowing when I woke, I would have my first coffee in my new mug.

Indeed I arose, and there was a text -- from Josh G, my nephew of another mister. He had sent the mug. I thanked him -- I rarely like gifts I receive, but this one hit the sweet spot.

I scrubbed the Chinese manufacturing out of it, and put it in the new Keurig. Yes -- the 3 year old one crapped out last week, as they all do. The new one from arrived just yesterday. I popped in an environmentally friendly mesh K cup, from San Francisco Bay roasters, and am now enjoying my first favorite mug coffee. Thanks, my man.

Last night, I pressed Josh into service. Wifey's BFF Edna had requested a Zoom Happy Hour, but was missing the tool needed to set it up -- the infamous Round Tuitt. That tool is often not found around here either.

So -- I volunteered -- how hard could it be? Turned out harder than my dinosaur like tech skills could muster -- I originally invited only Edna, but then couldn't change the roster. I texted Josh, and he got us going -- Edna, her man Marc, and her daughter Erica and live in man Adam. Josh was invited, too, but bugged out -- leaving me as virtual host.

Elizabeth joined, but just as my free 45 minutes expired. So I showed Wifey how to FaceTime her friend, I said my hellos, and then went up for my nightly scalding shower. I told Elizabeth I needed my nightly ritual -- Wifey said, mistakenly, "Yes -- he's going upstairs to pleasure himself." Ha -- that Wifey. Sometimes she says things as if SHE was the one drinking a lot of vodka.

Today marks week 7 of quarantine. Ugh. It's gotten really, really, really onerous. But -- we soldier on.

Tonight we'll join D1, Joey, and our grandson for a shabbas kiddush, or toast. Sunday we may actually make it to their house -- with a request for Big Tomato pizzas -- to sit on opposite sides of their patio -- seeing our precious little man through the glass.

But my thrice daily coffees will now make me smile, thanks to a great quarantine gift. Cheers, young Josh!

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