Friday, April 10, 2020

A Second Seder

Wifey and I rarely celebrate Passover more than the first seder, but this year was an exception. My nephew of another mister, Josh, invited me to join his family's celebration, and so I marshaled the resources and got ready to go.

At first, Josh, his brother Scott, Scott's lady Sam, and Barry and I had a Passover toast. Barry wished us all good health, and for us to have this plague indeed pass over us all.

We chatted a lot, and eventually Donna returned, and then Barry's sister and brother in law, Phyllis and Marty, joined the Zoom, And then Beverly did as well -- their family was complete.

Sam had asked that Barry use her grandfather's Haggadah, in honor of his memory. The grandfather died in January -- and his funeral cost us Scott and Sam at D2 and Jonathan's wedding. As my late mother said, people aren't born or die according to the schedules of the rest of us...

It was a moving seder. Wifey came in from her night time in the garden, and joined the gathering. I refilled my martini glass with Tito's and tonic. We were privileged to be among the family.

Afterward I did my plague night ritual -- very hot shower -- lay naked on a chaise on the darkened second floor porch outside our bedroom. I feel the exquisite evening breeze. I talk to the Big Man.

This am I was up as usual, and took my morning constitutional. It was quiet. Jeff had joined me yesterday, and asked me to keep inviting him. Alas -- this am no response -- I think he was a one and done in the walking department.

The projections say that Florida will be peaking in terms of needed medical help, in 11 days. They also say the greatest number of deaths will be 13 days from now, and then there should be a diminution.

I hope they're right.

Today I popped in the mail 2 more weeks of our cleaning lady Miriam's salary. I read that only a small minority of people keep paying their housekeepers if they don't work. I'm rather proud to be in that minority.

But we really DO miss Miriam. I've been doing laundry and cleaning the toilets, but the floor is starting to really need some help. I miss coming home on a day Miriam has been in our house, and smelling the freshness. Now the smell is decidedly much more dog kennel-like.

Oh well. Small price to pay. Now -- let's see -- it's 12:45 pm. I think a nap has my name on it...

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