Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tax Day

Since I'm OCD, I got my taxes done and filed last week -- same as I do each year. We have an extension due to the plague, but I chose not to take advantage. Our personal CPA took the info from our firm's CPA, my brother in law Dennis, and told me I owed a few shekels. I hope there will be a government to keep funding by the time next year's taxes are due.

Yesterday day was yet another of the same. Up early -- walked for miles. I almost run into the McDowells, very nice people with 2 daughters about the same age as the Ds. One lives in NE Miami, the other in Baltimore. Cheryl just retired last year from a big job with a company where she traveled all over. Bill, who turned 69 and retired years back, loved being a kept man, as he joked.

We cross paths on our walk, and tell a joke, and catch up. But we share that look of uncertainty -- wanting like hell for this thing to pass.

We watched our grandson get a bath last night on FaceTime. He is not a fan of water. We made plans to have a distance visit Sunday -- I'll pick up lunch, we'll sit on opposite ends of the patio, and see our little guy. This really, really sucks.

The Palace FaceTimed with my ancient suegra. She is no worse for the wear of the pandemic -- talking loudly, telling the aid her son in law is a "law -yeah" and if he needs one, she will give him my number. The aid says they get her up three times per day for meals. By the looks of her, and her weight, and strength of her being -- this plague will brush off her back like water off a very obese duck.

As I write, there is my happiest sound of the morning. The special needs Spaniel crunching happily on his kibble. Wifey started the habit of bringing him his food on the sofa, so he doesn't have to stand when he eats like normal dogs, and he enjoys the spoiling. He crunches and crunches away -- the strange rescue dog Vienna wolfs down her food instantly -- she waits around for the stray kibble to fall to the floor.

I took Vienna on the last leg of my walk last evening. I usually take her on a single lap -- 1.3 miles -- but stretched it out a bit to get near a total of 6 miles. She came into the house and sprawled on the cool, rough marble floor. Dogs really do make this ordeal better.

So not much planned today -- I'll manage the investments -- maybe trim the portfolios a bit.

And at 7, my man Kenny has a Zoom happy hour scheduled. Hopefully Eric and Barry and his boy Josh will attend. I will toast them -- actually on the front lines of this pandemic while I'm at home fanning myself.

But we all want this to end. Really. Basta, already.

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