Sunday, April 5, 2020

Best Saturday Of The Pestilence So Far

So the day started like all during this time of the plague -- got up, shaved, fed the dogs. Young Josh texted -- was there walking on Saturday? The gentle nudge was great -- there WAS -- and I called and we chatted during my first 2.2 miles around the 'hood.

We joked it was to be a busy day -- at least with deliveries. Some custom sofas Wifey had bought months ago were finally brought -- in 2 separate deliveries. So Wifey busied herself with one of her young decorators, making sure it was placed and arranged in the right way.

And I got a delivery -- my New Balance kicks were dropped off by our friendly mailwoman.  I ordered them last week, and there they were -- I came close to wearing through the soles of my other two pairs with all the anxiety walking I've been doing.

I called my California sister, and was off again -- through the 'hood -- another couple of miles in the still beautiful weather. Alas, soon the humidity and mosquitoes will return -- and other than dawn and dusk with copious sprayed Cutter -- the walks won't be so pastoral.

We were expecting yet another delivery -- the weekly Publix Instacart. They were due between 6 and 8.

At precisely 6:58 I poured my quarantini -- Tito's and a bit of tonic water -- the better to give myself the quinine they say may help. I texted young Josh -- we had set up a 7 pm happy hour -- and gave him my Hyman Roth line about if he calls, I'll know I have a drinking partner -- if he doesn't; I'll know I don't.

Sure enough, just as I took my place out by the pool on the composite Adirondack chair, came the FaceTime. It was lovely -- as the Tito's worked its magic, we had fine conversation. Wifey joined us, and asked me to go get her a soda from the fridge -- her knee hurts, and she can't descend the 5 steps. I grabbed a soda in the darkness, but it was a tragic mistake -- it was NOT diet. Her reaction about having actually sipped half of the outlawed beverage gave us all some laughs.

D1 and Joey joined the virtual party, as did D2. Scott and his lady Sam up in Virginia wanted to see the new puppy -- the baby was asleep. The youngest couple is thinking of adopting a cat -- and had to endure the playful objections of the mostly dog loving crowd.

Well -- turns out those Instacart folks are sneaky -- they had delivered to our front door without our noticing. So we schlepped while FaceTiming -- and showed off the Publix sub we had for dinner. Dr. Barry, Donna, and Josh had Japanese, and Sam had made her and Scott chili. Oh, I love chili...

Anyway -- we said our goodbyes, and I went upstairs for my nightly hot shower. Afterwards, I went out onto the bedroom porch -- in all my glorious nakedness. I plopped into a chaise. I put on an old hit from 1969 -- "Reflections of My Life" by the Marmalade -- I had heard it earlier in the day as part of the sound track on a roman a clef movie I watched based on Robert Lypsyte's "One Fat Summer."

The breeze was exquisite. The music heavenly. I left my phone perched on the nearby window sill, and "YouTube" worked its magic -- choosing a set list for me. Next was Alan Parson's "Eye in the Sky" -- a live jam version that went on, thankfully, and on.  And after that was a long intro to a song I first thought was by Dire Straits -- but it was old Pink Floyd.

Lately, I switch off Pink Floyd because Roger Waters is such a slimy anti semite. But I let him sing a long "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" followed by "Us and Them." That latter one brought me back to my friend Eric's room in Levittown, probably 1976, when he, Mark, John, Fitz, Gerry and I would listen to that album over and over, as Eric's homemade oscilloscope gave us a light show.

Probably an hour passed. I knew those I loved most were safe for the night. I was still buzzed from the vodka. The sky was cloudy and deep shades of black, blue, and gray. That breeze kept literally caressing me.

I was at true peace.

I hope for, and will seek out, more of these moments as these scary times play out, and plan to go back in my mind to the zen of last night when the tensosity creeps back.

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