Saturday, April 24, 2010

Palmetto Prom Photo Party

So there's a big alliterative event planned at Villa Wifey tonight. D2 is attending her senior prom, and I offered to host her fellow guests and their parents for a photo party.

I figured she'd be going with a limo or at most Hummer limo worth of kids. It turns out they've hired a party bus, and there'll be 38 of them!

Oh well, the weather is gorgeous, and I bought all the ingredients for my friend Mike's drink idea, the "Blue Panther." The 24 cans of pineapple juice, 8 cans of Coco Lopez, and huge bottles of various rums are lined up on my kitchen counter like soldiers awaiting battle. I just called Mike; he's ready for service.

I've been to several of these pre prom parties over the past several years. If there's a lovlier site than a bunch of high school seniors all dressed up for this milestone, I don't know what it is.

And sure --many of the girls are beautiful, but to me, they're all like my daughters. Young girls never did it for me --I leave that to the creepy old guys. I'm proud to say I can admire them from a higher plane.

Now, if they were 30 year olds all dressed up and hanging around my house...Or better yet -- 50 year old Cougars. Now we're talking!

Wifey's leaving soon to pick up the sandwich platters and other goodies. We've had lots of folks over before, but tonight may be the largest gathering.

We've warned the neighbors about the coming traffic clog. This morning, I told several in person. They all laughed, and started telling tales of their OWN proms, in Maryland, and Pittsburgh, and one tale from Bogota! Who knew?

The party bus will wait for D2 and her posse (she hates it when I try to use Rapper lingo) and take them to a hotel on Miami Beach. Their goal is to be seaside at 6 am tomorrow, to watch the sunrise over the ocean.

Next weekend, we're heading to Gainesville for D1's graduation. The Ds are 18 and 21. I'm old and irrelevant as a father. They've been my true life's work for the past two decades.

What comes next for me?

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