Saturday, April 3, 2010

April's Not So Cruel

After the coldest Miami winter in the 31 years I've lived here, we're being treated to a most gorgeous Spring. Today is the 4th of April, and we spent yet another night without A/C --a rarity in these parts.

I just finished my morning coffee and Herald, and the air felt perfect. Very little humidity, and it's in the high 60s. The outdoors beckon --Wifey will be up soon, and we'll saddle up the 2 dogs for our mile long neighborhood walk.

A very slow Saturday is planned. It's so languid, I use the passive voice! At noon, Wifey's best friend Edna's girl Erica is due for a visit. We adore Erica --she graduated U GA, and is beginning her post college life in Atlanta --working, living in a grown up apartment, etc.. Erica's life long friend is a second year UM Law student, and she's here visiting, so the 2 will make a stop over here to catch up.

This evening, our friends (and my probate lawyer) Malcolm and his wife Edith are due to pick us up, and take us on their regular pilgrimmage to the Palm, in Bay Harbor.

Malcolm and Edith are regulars there, and enjoy the 40 minute drive for terrific martinis and steaks. Even when the Palm opened a Gables restaurant (now closed), they continued their trips to the original. Their characatures are painted on the wall.

We're meeting my partner Paul, to celebrate whatever needs celebrating. Actually, Malcolm and Edith's boy, an old classmate of D1's in high school, is due to graduate Wash U a few weeks after D1 finishes up at UF. He's then heading to Chapel Hill for a Master's. I'm guessing the drive to the restaurant will feature discussions about empty nests, and graduate school kids.

Well -- back to the early morning April light. It's streaming in to the room, and bouncing off the dozing Basset Hound. What could be more lovely?

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