Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Cancelations -- All I Ever Wanted

 So today I had two appointments -- both involving personal trainers. The first was my usual workout with Jonathan, who I call Jonfin 2.0, since the grandson so refers to his Tio.

Jonfin 2.0 and I meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the routine keeps me more mobile than my old ass would otherwise be -- stronger, too. My balance is better, and I can lift the grandsons fairly easily. I keep joking that I'm a long way from wearing a Speedo on South Beach, other than to cause pee in bikini laughter to young women there -- but the training has been very helpful.

Alas, Jonfin texted early this am -- he had to bring his car in for service -- so no meeting -- hasta Thursday.

The later appointment was with Juan, my trainer before Jonfin. Juan is now a manager at one of those spiffy new LifeTime places -- high end gyms with child care and stuff. He manages 25 people, can take his young kids to work daily -- he loves it.

Last week he texted -- could we meet for lunch? He wanted some career advice -- apparently they're offering him some big things, and trusts my wisdom. Ha -- unless you pay zero attention in life, which many do, it's kind of hard to NOT acquire some wisdom over more than 6 decades.

We agreed to meet in the Gables, near his work, at 1 today. It meant I would have to actually put on jeans instead of my typical weekday shorts, but I like Juan, and agreed.

Alas -- he just texted -- his day turned "upside down" -- could we meet another time? Of course, I responded, but it would be in several weeks. Next week I have lots of Grandpa Dev stuff, and the following week we're hosting the siblings from Tampa and California.

And then I reflected for a moment. I was HAPPY about these two cancelations. The workouts are something I feel I HAVE to do. I enjoy Jonfin 2.0's company -- but would much rather meet him for bagels and coffee -- he makes me do squats and carry crap that's heavy. As for the lunch -- it was a favor for someone -- ok -- but not something I was particularly looking forward to.

The Ds are right - I have to fight this desire to do little other than the few things I truly savor. A true sign of old age is preferring to sit out the dance instead of dancing.

So I will -- but today was a guilty pleasure. I took my nice long walk, and had a chat with a neighbor I call "my friend whose name I can never recall" since I can never recall her name. She is SO nice -- Wifey's age, curly blonde hair, one son who lives in D.C. She always greets me by name and asks after Wifey by name as well. We talk about her sailboat, and her childhood -- she grew up right in my 'hood and now has a house across Ludlam. I plan to execute my plan for when this happens -- next time Wifey and I encounter her at the same time. I will say to her, "You've met Wifey, right?" and then Wifey will ask her name. I plan to remember it next time!

Meanwhile, in the losing it Department, Wifey just reminded me we had plans at 11 this am to meet old friends Maureen and Dave at a Jewish Book Fair Event. Wifey totally forgot, and since Maureen is HER friend, she is responsible. She's texting them to see if we can't meet for dinner tonight instead.

I hope I remember to go. And it'll be Captain's Tavern -- that's a place that doesn't make me happy to cancel.

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