Friday, May 1, 2020

Shoddy Stuff

Back in our last house, in the 90s, Wifey bought some patio furniture -- a then new product called Polywood. Unlike regular wood outdoor furniture, which rotted after a few years in the Miami heat and humidity, this was a material of recycled plastic AND wood -- and we liked it.

We had a rocker, and an Adirondack chair, and a bench rocker -- which broke a few years ago. But the rocker had sentimental value -- the ends of the arm rests were chewed a bit by Honey, our beloved Yellow Lab, when she was a puppy.

The rocker got a lot of use -- I especially enjoyed sitting on it, under the porch roof, watching thunderstorms. Most recently, Mirta sat there during our only quarantine actual social visit.

Well  -- yesterday, as Wifey was fast asleep during a big storm, I went out to rock and watch, and I heard a tapping sound. Sure enough, one of the rocker blades had broken off. The chair was history.  I checked -- the company indeed had a 20 year warranty. But the chairs were 24 years old. I could hardly complain...

I'll order a replacement today. I schlepped the broken chair around to the garage. Normally I'd bring it to the transfer station, but I figure it's best to avoid that place for now, so I got my drill and disassembled the old chair, and tossed the pieces into the trash bin.  It was a nice task given a time of few real tasks.

Meanwhile, yesterday I set up my first successful Zoom meeting. It's not that hard, but for a tech moron like me, EVERYTHING is hard.  I wanted to toast Dr. Barry -- he goes on service today in the ICU, and wanted to wish him Godspeed.

Scott appeared from Virginia, and Josh from the back of his house. Barry was there, in the car, but joined in the toast when he got home. Eric came later -- now happily reunited with Dana and their puggle Simba. D2 FaceTimed with Betsy, and she took part, and later D1 FaceTimed with our grandson on a walk in his hood. It was a lovely diversion for a post thunderstorm afternoon.

The passing storm had left it cool, and I took the strange rescue dog out for a stroll -- got my mileage number to 9.3.

Eliot said April was the cruelest month. It's over -- today is May 1. I hope Eliot was correct, and we continue to emerge from the plague.

At least I'll be on a new rocker...

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