Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Happy Innkeeper

I love hosting people at our house. Wifey does not share that with me. Years ago, when we were visiting Key West, like many people I said how great it might be to one day own and run a B and B there. Wifey replied "I don't even cook or clean for my own family -- you think I want to do it for strangers?"  Yeah, so that path in life never grew legs, as they say...

Well, due to a broken AC unit, last night we had our first house guests since the plague.

D2 and Jonathan live in a 70s constructed building in the Grove, and apparently their landlord never saw fit to replace the air handler. As a result, when the unit stopped working, the repairman said parts for Nixon era units are a bit tough to find. They spent a sweaty Thursday night, and headed over here last evening.

We maintained STRICT social distancing. Wifey and I set up D2's old bedroom, which connects with D1's old room, now a library. There's a full bath between the rooms.  Wifey gave them new linens, and I set up a bar in the library -- choice of vodka, Scotch, gin, or mezcal, along with a full ice bucket.

At 6, I attended Eric and Dana's family shabbat, and then at 7 Joey and D1 hosted a lovely kiddush, or sabbath toast. D2 and Jonathan were en route, and lost the Zoom connection, but Eric, Dana, Scott, and Wifey and I all enjoyed the company.

After the hosts left to put the beautiful baby to sleep, Scott wanted to continue the fun, and he FaceTimed us, bringing in Barry. Barry had been interviewed on public radio earlier, so there was much making of fun of our brother the media star.

D2, Jonathan, and their enormous puppy Betsy kept to one side of our large front porch, and Wifey and I to the other. It was delightful -- once I shared the mosquito repellent with everyone.

I actually stayed up past 10 -- way later than my typical, plague bed time.

Early this am I texted our guests that I was going for a walk, and would make breakfast after they awoke. They were already awake, and after some Nespressos, Jonathan and Betsy joined me for 3.2 miles around the 'hood.

Betsy is already so well trained, she heels without a leash. Smart, enormous puppy that Pyrador is...

We returned, and I made Jonathan my new variety of Daddy eggs -- a hash with mushrooms and tomatoes.  He loved it. D2 only wanted a banana.

I wanted to hug them goodbye -- but such are the times with this damned virus -- I waved forlornly.

They were off to a dog training session in Doral. The trainer knows his stuff -- I can already see.

The repairman said he would hopefully restore the cool by today. Jonathan and D2 are a bit skeptical. I told them our casa is theirs as long as they need it. Betsy likes it more here, anyway...

Wifey is headed up to D1 and Joey's. I begged off -- my couch and 2 dogs await a long Saturday nap later.

I need my rest. I may still be an innkeeper later today.

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