Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Another Pandemic Wednesday

The days really do blend together. Today, Wifey asked what if we never got out of the house -- just sort of died here together, like those older couples she keeps reading about. I told her not to worry -- my clear goal is to leave her a very financially comfortable widow -- like my Dad did for my Mom. I think that cheered her a bit.

Yesterday I walked close to 5 miles in the am with Jeff, and then another 4 with Kenny in the afternoon. He had to cut our perambulation short, to do some actual errands on his way home.

Later on, the strange rescue dog gave me her famous side-eye, and I took her for another round. In total, I exceeded 10 miles again. The new NB sneaks I treated myself to are already wearing out. I guess that's a good thing.

Young Josh had asked for a Cinco de Mayo happy hour, and we were to do it at 630. Marc and Edna in Atlanta asked to join, and Josh ended up bowing out, so I had my Ketels as Edna and Marc drank white wine in NE Atlanta, and Wifey ate her dinner.

I logged another 5 miles this am, and have a telephone date with Mirta at 6:30. She'll walk in Kendall while I walk in Pinecrest. She's been losing a lot of weight, too during these crazy times.

I did manage a bit of work today -- helped draft a letter to a client in a complicated case. Stuart thanked me by saying I was a better writer than Dan LeBatard. Ha. Not even close, but flattery does work...

My cousin Steve in Jackson Heights and I have been texting during the plague. He lives in the epicenter of it all -- was even hospitalized for non Covid stuff at Elmhurst Hospital. I told him he must have picked up every possible immunity there is, and to plan for a very long life. His mother, my Aunt Anne, died at 99, so that's probably in the cards for him.

He found a note his mother had made -- listing all of her parents' relatives. He sent a photo. I realized that, other than my grandparents, and father's 2 siblings, I had no idea who any of these people were. I sent the photo to the Ds, though, and D1 loved it. She has a keen interest in our roots. Ashkenazi represent!

We were going to finally have Miriam come today, after a 7 week hiatus. I've been sending checks to her, which she greatly appreciates. But then we realized things are still pretty nuts in South Florida, and we can keep the house reasonably well ourselves, so Wifey told her to stay home again. I'll send her another check tonight.

There was an article in the Times saying that less than 5% of the people who tell their domestic workers to stay away pay them anyhow. If that's true, then it is really pretty easy to NOT be a jerk in these times -- if you have any financial wherewithal whatsoever.

Just help out those who are normally there for you! It's not very hard.

I actually called my soon to be ex-doctor's office, because of an OCD issue of mine. On March 2 I got the new Shingrix vaccine, to prevent shingles. It requires a follow up within 5 months. I called Walgreens, where I got the vaccine, and not surprisingly they're not giving them for the time being.

I pay MDVIP -- and it's really a waste. Wifey left this year -- now using her friend Elizabeth's brother in law, a long time family practitioner, who gives the same level of concierge care without the $1800 per year fee.

So I had a special request. Could they get the Shingrix for me, and let me come by for the shot? Nope, they would not. 

I'll get it elsewhere -- probably in late Summer, assuming the plague has eased. And in January, it'll be adios to MDVIP.

So -- that's all the news around here. Time to lace up the New Balance and do some miles.

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