Tuesday, May 26, 2020

This Here's a Working House

So we had a fine Memorial Day. D2 and Jonathan spent most of the day getting their large puppy outside when the rain abated. It rarely did -- the most 2 day rainfall in a decade. At one point, I noticed my pool overflowing, and sure enough, a small stream in the garage floor -- the only low point in our house.

I became a temporary engineer, and switched the pool pump to waste -- the water surged to an outdoor drain our architect owner/builder put in. As the pool level dropped, the garage flooding ceased. I was rather proud of myself...

As evening fell, young Josh asked for a video happy hour, before his grandmother, aunt, and uncle arrived for their first visit since quarantine. Jonathan, D2, and I obliged -- we Facetimed (tm) Barry and shared a toast. And then, the rain ceased. My weather app said we maybe had an hour before the deluge continued.

So I switched our cocktails to plastic cups, and D2, Jonathan, Betsy and I took to the streets. We actually got in over 4 miles, and buzzed, I introduced the trio to several neighbors, including one, David, from whom D2 had purloined some mangoes. He responded by tossing her a few more.

I was inspired with inebriation, and decided to pay an impromptu visit to Jeff and Lili's, to toast their girl Sam's recent med school graduation. I called Jeff and he came out. Alas, Sam was too shy -- so we toasted the proud parents instead, while Betsy wandered perilously close to their outdoor cats.

When we arrived home, delicious Thai food from Chana was waiting, and we ate, Citizen Kane style, on opposite ends of our 12 foot dining table. It was glorious...

Today I slept in to a record time: 7:30 am. I awoke at 1, and said to myself, oh hell no -- not going to miss sleep. So half a xanax later, I was blissfully in another world. It was refreshing.

I awoke to Jonathan having already taken Betsy for a morning walk, and then he and D2 retired to the library and dining room for their work days -- each on their laptops, and video chatting, etc...They toiled until lunch, and then I offered and made my new quarantine special: sauteed mushrooms and tomatoes, with egg scramble, in a healthy hash. Wifey and I put away the Instacart (tm) Publix order, and now all I have to do is watch the stock market, make some small trim moves to the accounts, and accept a Total Wine delivery between 2 and 3. I needed Hendricks and mezcal reinforcements, as well as some vodka. You can't survive the virus without these essential liquids, I have found.

So our houseguests will find out later if the ancient air handler was replaced, and their apartment is again habitable. If not -- no big deal. It's great having them here, and, it turns out, we have a nice platform for working from home. That -- and accommodating an enormous puppy...

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