Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Injury Scare

So the many miles of walking have been a positive for me during the plague -- both for health, and battling anxiety.

I did my usual 10 miles yesterday, but when I came home, had pain in my right knee. Not horrible, but worrisome. Oh crap -- was this the end of my saving activity?

I read some sites,and concluded it was probably just a strained medial ligament, or maybe a bruised meniscus.  I knew right away the most important thing was rest -- also ice. So indeed I iced it -- Wifey has a whole shelf of ice packs for her manifold ortho problems.  And I knew I would spend today off the road.

Well -- I was miraculously blessed. The pain went away. To be safe, I'm going to keep resting -- and have kept up with the ice packs. But I'm pretty sure I can resume the constitutionals tomorrow.

I am going to attempt to host a Zoom meeting later -- with Josh G as back up if I mess it up. I plan to toast the ability to keep moving...

I did something else useful today: Jeff needed my Notary services, for a permit to resurface his pool.  Keeping my Notary has been a surprisingly useful thing -- everyone always needs something notarized.

Twice per year, I get to use it to attest to the German government that my suegra is still alive, and thus continuing to get her Holocaust reparation check. She used to have to prove she was alive once a year, but the Germans, nothing if not efficient, realized the population the Nazis didn't manage to kill was, by old age, dying off.

I actually enjoy my own FU to Hitler and his minions each time I place the stamp. And now there's another generation of our people as the legacy of Survival.

Jeff's pool project lacks that gravity -- but I was still happy to help. We sat on opposite sides of our long picnic table outside and I did my work. I told him it was like a negotiation:  he could have the pesada neighbor in exchange for the Freudian garbage obsessed one...

The models keep getting worse. Miami Dade is "opening" again Monday, and the numbers will therefore continue to get worse.

Still -- we have to keep living. My longtime haircutter Dania texted -- they're social distancing opening Monday. I asked for a first in the am appointment -- both of us wearing masks -- and will hopefully see her first thing next Friday.

The plan will be in -- 15 minutes of removing my Dylanesque mane -- and then getting out. There will be very few other customers there, Dania tells me. She is herself a germaphobe in the best of times. She reminded me to wear a mask. I told her I'd have a snorkel, too.

Crazy times, these. Crazy times.

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