Friday, March 4, 2022

Neighborhood Chisme

 So years ago, our good friend Diane, after divorcing Charlie, sold her house to an interesting couple. The wife was in her late 20s, and her husband about 30 years older. Also, the wife was very attractive, and not in the way typical of a suburban mom, but rather more in the way of an escort.

They were fine neighbors, though we never became friends. The husband, a wildy successful lawyer, built a wonderful play are for their new babies. He had kids the Ds age from an earlier marriage, and adopted his young wife's son, and then had 4 more kids with her.

When I complemented him on the play area, and told him I hoped to bring my grandkids there someday, he chided me -- I ought to have more kids myself, like he did. I reminded him that Wifey was, um, no longer fecund, but he said that was ok -- I could still father more. Nah. I was fine with my 2 Ds -- grandkids, if I was so blessed, would be plenty for me. I was so blessed.

Anyway, they sold to a lovely young couple, with an adorable 2 year old girl, and a baby brother due in August. Indeed, we bring the little man over to play on the lot -- he loves it.

Well -- the other day my fellow Herald readers and I saw a story about our local Middle School. A Mom apparently lost it during a conference about her son, attended by the teacher and principal, and struck the teacher. She was arrested the next day, and charged with assault and battery.

My 'hood was atwitter. Everyone saw it was our former next door neighbor. She hired a high powered lawyer -- I'm assuming she'll get some anger management classes, and that'll be it.

But I feel for her son -- a very sweet but troubled young man. I guess he's 14 now. Facebook friends of the former neighbor report that the young man has been shipped to a military school in Georgia. I hope he does well there.

But the entire affair gave me shivers. The thought of being a Dad to babies or teens now, at 60 -- oh boy. As Dylan sang, it ain't me, babe.

Yesterday Wifey went up to visit D1 and the Little Man. She played with him awhile, and then he grabbed her hand and wanted her to walk with her to his friend's house down the street. Wifey begged off -- she was simply too tired after several hours of keeping up with the toddler.

So D1 sent him out alone. Ha. As if! But the point is, clearly, kids are for young adults to raise.

Guys my age need to be concerned with talking about medical issues -- prostate glands and such. Behavioral issues of troubled teen sons? No thank you very much.

Meanwhile, I look forward to my Zoom happy hour tonight. It was canceled the past three weeks -- which is a good thing. It meant we were able to go out live -- dinner with D1 and Joey, and last Friday dinner with my nephew Henry and the Ds and Jonathan.

But tonight, virtual again, and I look forward to it. And then tomorrow night, we have plans with dear friends for the Keys -- an outdoor restaurant for some fresh fish. The wife is just now ready to dip her toe into the normal world -- very Covid afraid. And I surely understand -- everyone has dealt with the past 2 years of Plague their own way. I'm just thrilled it seems very much on the wane.

And I am NOT dealing with Middle School drama. That's for more active 60 something dudes than I.

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