Monday, November 16, 2020

The Light At The End? Hopefully Not An Oncoming Train

 So today marks 8 months since we've been dealing with the plague. Our last maskless, day out, was March 12th. Hopefully the end is in sight -- today a second company, Moderna, announced their vaccine was very effective. Last week Pfizer said theirs was 90% effective. Moderna said "Ha! Ours is 94% effective." These are happy competitions for those of us looking desperately to return to some kind of normal.

We had a lovely weekend. On Saturday, D1 and Joey came over with the Senior Spaniel, and the beautiful grandson. The Canes were on, and won, and then we switched to the Masters for Joey. We toasted the day with vodka martinis -- his dirty, mine clear. Wifey savored the baby -- she is totally in love. He has his mother's eyes and nose, and many of her adorable baby expressions, and so for Wifey it's a recapitulation of over three decades.

They left, and we watched more TV, and I walked some more. D2 and Jonathan had friends plans, and we thought we'd see them later in the week...until...

Last night we got a call from them as we were watching Obama on "60 Minutes." They were at their friends Brett and Elise, who bought a house just blocks from us, and Betsy rolled in something vile. They needed an emergency stop at our place for a quick hose bath. We think it was either iguana or possum crap -- it was terrible. So Jonathan wrangled the 78 pound pup, and D2 did the washing, and we all laughed. Betsy shook off the water happily.

I did my 7.5 miles this am, and returned to check the stock market -- soaring on the good vaccine news. I was happy about that, as Thursday is "Give Miami Day," and I plan to participate again. I was asked by FIU to post a link to our family scholarship fund, and I will, even though I loathe asking people to donate.

Wifey ordered the Thanksgiving food. We typically have the Ds in laws and siblings in law, but this year we're following Dr. Fauci's advice and keeping it just the 7 of us, one of whom is not a big turkey eater. But we'll toast, and watch football, and hopefully take the dogs and grandson on a nice long walk. And we'll hope that TDay '21 we can have the team back at full strength, as they say in hockey after a penalty ends.

The stock market is usually very smart about seeing into the future. I hope it is this time. Let that light be one of normalcy -- and not something far more ominous.

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