Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Like a Breath of Fresh Air

 Finally! The lovely weather is upon us. It's still not very cool, but this am I walked in 73 degrees that "felt like" 73 degrees. An older neighbor was even wearing a sweater. When I returned, I opened the back and pool doors, and propped them open, lest the heavy breezes slam them shut. It was nice to air out the house for the first time since, I guess, May.

Yesterday was a busy day, by plague time standards. I had decided to join the 21st century, and ordered an electronic door lock from Home Depot. Our friendly Israeli locksmith, Cobe, was free, and he came over to install it and also fix several other door locks in our house of many glass doors. He's in his 30s, and said when he finished the other doors he would show me how to get the new lock on my phone, so I could open and close it from anywhere.

Ha. I took that as a "Whatever, Boomer" challenge, and I downloaded the Schlage APP and did it myself. It was actually quite impressive -- you just scan the lock code with your phone, and, presto! Cobe nodded -- good job, old man, he seemed to say.

Then Wifey ordered Instacart, but realized she left out critical breakfast staples, so I ordered a SECOND instacart. The yogurt is now in our refrigerator.

At 5:30, we hosted a Zoom happy hour with Edna, Marc, Cara, and Mike. I noted that if our Zoom was the election, Trump would win 4-2. Still, everyone remained civil, and I, the Biden voter, came up with the most politically incorrect jokes.

Oh yeah -- today is Election Day. I guess I'm so fatigued with the whole process, I'm only slightly more prone to alacrity than most days. One sister, Sue, called to see if I was anxious, as did Mirta, a sister of another mother. Not really, I responded. I hope Biden and the Dems win, of course, but if Trump pulls it off again, I plan on keepin on keepin on. 

Kenny is coming over later for an afternoon (actually now evening, given the end of DST) stroll, and then we'll share an outdoor, distanced dinner, and maybe a Stella or two. We'll toast to better days for the USA.

Years ago, in college, Jorge came up to Barry and me, smiling from ear to ear. Why so happy, Barry asked. Jorge said "The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Leonid Breshnev is dead."  Maybe I'll get to say the same, politically, about the cartoon character president, later this week. If not, I'll focus on the shining sun and singing birds.

Oh -- that Fall Miami breeze sure is lovely...

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