Friday, November 6, 2020

Just Checked In to See What Condition My Condition Was In

 What a week. Our greatest nation in the world votes more primitively than any Third or Fourth World country I know, and now, three days after so called "Election Day," we're still awaiting the results. It appears the old man Biden will beat the atrocity, but the atrocity plans court challenges, so we'll see. 

As of now, the end result looks to be Biden in the Oval Office, and the GOP retaining control of the Senate. As much as I wanted a Blue Senate, to tackle things like Climate Change, if the nation wants rich guys like me to keep paying lower taxes, I'll take it. As long as we get someone on top who will use science to end the plague -- I'll be satisfied with politics for now.

The only bright spot is that Florida, long a laughingstock for our election boners, actually voted like Switzerland. The early ballots were all pre counted, and then released. We knew the results Tuesday night, the way it ought to be. Pennsylvania is the laugher this year, along with Georgia, but Georgia is run by goobers -- so that's expected.

Yesterday we spent the day with D2 and Betsy, so Miriam could clean the house. It was a gray, rainy day, but I brought in Bagel Emporium for lunch, and then, when we learned Jonathan was working late, decided to stay for dinner. It was delivered Atacha --great Thai. I also made myself a great suegro by ordering some reinforcements for their liquor bench. I did it online from Big Daddy's, and the order of vodka, gin, and mezcal was there in 30 minutes. I was a proud American.

Today I was chilling, when I got a call from Alonso, a nice man who spoke little English. My rudimentary Spanish and his little English was enough -- he was coming to install the accordion shutters I bought 2 weeks ago. Sure enough, there's a storm out in the sea, but it appears to be only a final rain event -- no shutters needed. Still -- it'll be nice when the era of panel installation is over for me. Just shut the accordions and await the power outage. Ah, living in paradise...

Tomorrow night the Ds and their men have a double date planned -- I guess weather allowing. Wifey and I will drive up to Shorecrest to watch our grandson -- at least watch him sleeping. Poor little guy has his first cold. Typically by 10 months he'd have had a few, but living in the bubble has prevented that. As sad as it is to see him sniffling, D1 and Joey know it's building his immune system.

Tonight I have Eric and Dana's shabbat at 6, followed by our Zoom Happy Hour at 7. And the Canes are on TV, at 7:30. I guess it'll be our first together, virtual game watching since the plague began. I plan to make my Publix meatloaf, Wifey will make some whole wheat pasta and a salad, and these should pair well with some vodka and tonic.

We had hoped to be toasting to a new President. Looks like that won't happen yet. As Tony S says -- yeah, but what are ya gonna do?

So I'll ignore the political details, lest my anxiety have anxiety, as a recent Herald headline said. And if a storm does hit, at least there ought to be accordions instead of panels. I don't think they'll be strong enough to stop the swarming hordes should our nation fail. But I have plenty of vodka...

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