Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Cool Weekend

The weather finally broke, and we were treated to a blissfully cool day. Wifey, D2 and I caravaned with D1 and her boyfriend up to see Wifey's folks. We warned Thomas about my in laws, but they were on fine behavior today.

From there we stopped at D1's friend's house in Plantation, so Thomas could fetch his missing wallet and keys. Wifey and Ilene couldn't be separated, as they compared notes about empty nester-hood and aging parents.

D1 and Thomas left for UF in Wifey's SUV --we decided to let her drive that for awhile, for safety purposes. Wifey will get the small sedan when it comes out of the body shop.

After D2 pried Wifey away from her new BFF, we headed out for lunch at Two Jays in Plantation. We laughed and talked about the weekend, but there was sadness as we realized that D2 would be soon flying free like her sister.

We headed home, and I sat out at my pond, watching the fish and turtles. I saw something for the first time: 2 plecos, algae eating fish, attached themselves to one of my terrapins, and cleaned its shell as the 3 creatures swam along. I remembered the symbiosis lessons from Bio class.

D1 called. She made it safely back to Gainesville, with boyfriend and puppy all happy. I breathed out, thankfully.

Thomas misses Miami already, and wants to know where to get stone crabs near the UF campus.

I put on my innkeeper's hat, and went to the guest room to clean it out. Alas --Thomas left the space as he found it. Good breeding that young man has...

So D2 is hanging about, happy that tomorrow is a teacher planning day. She's nearly done with the infernal college applications, and their many essays. Next week is her last Homecoming Dance, and she's looking forward to that.

Wifey is watching a Brad Pitt movie on DVD.

I plan to enjoy the weather --maybe even build a fire outside in my fire pit. It's funny: the thing cost about $40, and it's probably my favorite posession.

So one more week, and then in my mind (and airplane) I'm going to Carolina.

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