Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Seasons Change

So D1 is continuing to recover from her crash. I took her to a neurologist yesterday, a terrific guy who's her friend's father. He examined her and her CAT scan, and concluded her back fracture is minor, and will heal on its own. Whew!

She's wearing a splint that Dr. Lew's OT made for her, and will begin therapy tomorrow, in Gainesville!

Yes --she and her butler will be leaving later today for the trip back to college. Her butler, the person charged with driving her around, carrying her books, and helping her dress, is Wifey. She plans to stay with D1 as long as she needs, to get her life going again.

Wifey is terrific with this. We know plenty of mothers who would have said, essentially, "you're an adult, do this on your own," but not Wifey. She and I share such a deep devotion to our girls, and this is just another example of Wifey's continuing role of mother of the last (almost) 21 years.

So D2 and I will be going it alone for awhile. She's still engrossed in school and her college essays and applications. Last night I saw her reading "Tuesdays With Morrie," one of my great all time reading cries. I'm sure it will affect her the same way.

Meanwhile, Fall's here, but we don't feel it. It's still too damn hot. Although, yesterday I met Dr. Barry for lunch, and we were actually able to eat on an outside terrace, with fans spinning. I guess that's a positive sign.

At the office we're dealing with a betrayal. We referred a case to a lawyer friend and his paralegal, a disbarred lawyer. We had agreed on a co counsel fee split, and now that the fee is turning out to be higher than expected, the other guys claim they owe us much less than they do.

My first thought: shame on my partner and me, for doing business with people we know to be of bad reputation. We'll see how it turns out, but it's just another example of the dirtiness of what I do for a living.

My partner is livid. I told him that after my awful adventure with D1, issues of money just can't make me livid. The most I'm summoning is deep annoyance.

So, I'll wish Wifey and D1 a safe trip, and essentially hold my breath until I get the call that they're back in Gainesville.

Another day in the life of a worrying husband and Dad.

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