Sunday, September 27, 2009

Multiple Accidents

Thankfully D1 is home recovering from her brush with tragedy. She realizes that, well, never mind. She's in pain, but dealing with it using Tylenol and the many flowers, candies, and fresh fruit baskets her friends sent to her. D2 is helping her consume the chocolate covered fruit and fresh baked Loni cookies...

Meanwhile, while we were in the hospital, we ran into an old friend whose even older mother in law had fallen. Then, yesterday, Wifey learned that her friend Cara's husband JAck had fallen, fracturing his knee.

Closer to home, my very old Mom sort of slid/fell in her bedroom yesterday, and needed help getting up. Uncle Dennis raced over and righted her. I thought of an old turtle that ends up on its shell --it needs a flip and off it goes...

So there has been more than our fair share of accidents and injuries. I'm hoping we've seen the end of it.

Meanwhile, I was IMing with a friend today about how blessed my family is to have friends who have been so wonderful with this ordeal. She realizes that, although D1 was in the crash, Wifey and I have suffered, as my recurrent nightmare , getting the phone call from Hell (I don't believe in Hell, so a phone call from an accident scene is far worse) has taken its toll on me.

Anyway --my dear, dear friends have called multiple times to check on D1, and to check on me. My IM friend noted that "Good people do good things in times of good, but especially in times of bad."

That's true and simple, of course. Her husband checked in, too!

Anyway, the day is quiet. I spoke to Very Old Mom, and she's taking it easy (no Jai Alai today) as she recovers from her scare. I'll get up to see her later this week, if my full plate lightens a bit.

The Jets are winning, and although I'm a Dolphins guy, that makes me happy because I'm invisioning Dr. Barry and his boys at home in Pembroke Pines, yelling happily at their TV. Dr. Eric would say this makes me a wuss...

I'll take my last bottles of water, and head over to shul for Kol Nidre. I'm not sure why, but it's a service I always find meaningful. MAybe it's because it recognizes the futility of man's actions, his vows. In a nutshell, as the sages say: " Man plans; God laughs."

I plan to spend the time fasting, and taking stock, as I always do. My family's life as we know and savor it nearly ended a tad over 48 hours ago, and I'm still dealing with that. It's easy to say "Yes I'm thankful, yes it could have been far, far worse," but the demonic scenes that play in my head of what might have happened on that Southern Palm Beach stretch of Turnpike still haunt me, and will, I suspect, for awhile.

My dear friends get it. I love them for helping me through it.

1 comment:

susanhopkins said...

I had a Kol Nidre in the car today. I was going to see Patrick and I had a conversation and said a prayer for DAddy's Rest in Peace. I hope he wasn't watching Visalia these past few years, and hope he was at the beach this past weekend and not on the turnpike. I would hate to think he could die twice.