Saturday, August 29, 2009

Spiritual Long Island

So Mark and Rita mentioned that their boy Joe attends catechism classes. Mark and Rita were both raised Catholic, so that wasn't surprising, but Mark had, to my memory, long since lapsed. Rita is the one keeping religion going, it turns out, as Mark finds more spiritual sustenance from fishing (for fish, not men).

I had a lot of time to ponder religious issues, as I looked our upon Great South Bay and later the Sound. I was raised with virtually no religion, and through friendships with a Rabbi, sort of flirted with Judaism over the years.

I once asked my father what he thought there was after death. He smiled and replied: "Bones." I'm his son, after all. I'm truly not a man of faith.

I have my girls a Jewish education, so hopefully they can at least make their own choices about religion. So far, the great agnostic tradition started by their late grandfather seems to be carrying on. I guess we'll see.

So, here it is, another Shabbes, and I'm not following the rules as reported by the Talmud and Torah.

If I'm wrong, and there's an after life to be missed due to my non observance --well --what the hell. I figure I have to cram a lot of living into these years, just in case.

Years ago, a friend told me she wanted her headstone to read "She lived all of the lives she could." I like that philosophy.

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