Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gone Too Soon

A few months ago, D1's friend's father died, of brain cancer. Victor was in his late 50s, and a terrific guy. He was the child of Holocaust survivors, who first went to Cuba after the War, and then to the US. He grew up in Atlanta, and became a macher at "Southern Living " magazine. He had two daughters and a wife.

On Thursday night, my friend John Bell died, also of brain cancer. John was an engineer who worked on cases for my firm. His father in law, Bill Fogarty, is one of the most brilliant men I know. Bill was in the process of turning over his engineering practice to John. Now Bill will finish off the remaining cases himself.

John leaves Alyse, and 2 daughters. He was only 47. His funeral is tomorrow. Actually his viewing is. There's a mass Monday. John was VERY Catholic, and throughout his family's ordeal, their faith helped them through.

I also recently learned about Dave, a lawyer I've litigated with and against. He's 59, and has 2 daughters. He has terminal lung and brain cancer. He retired from his practice, and, from what I've heard, will be lucky if he sees 2010 come around.

Three really good guys, gone and going too soon.

Much to Wifey and Ds' dismay --death is never too far out of my mind. Maybe it's because I lost my father and best friend at such a young age --it's always been a reality instead of an abstraction to me.

I wish I didn't have to go to the funeral tomorrow --to see the two little girls and their mother grieving the loss of their Dad and husband. I have to go, out of respect to his family.

In honor of Victor, and John --I plan to go out and enjoy the hell out of today. The sun is shining. My in laws are due over in a few hours. I think I'll let my Ds and Wifey enjoy their company without me this visit.

We're almost all gone too soon.

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