Friday, August 7, 2009

Home Stretch of the Summer

D2 worked her final day as my firm's summer receptionist, and she was thrilled to have the job end. She was paid $8 per hour, and learned, first hand, how miserable and rude clients can be. She also was given the task of shredding old files, and went home each evening with paper scraps in her clothes and hair. For her, it was a Dickensian experience.

D1 finished her 2nd summer class (Chem 2) and said goodbye to her internship at the medical research company. She wrote her bosses a thank you note, and they gave HER a Macy's gift certificate to thank her for her work. She has a week to sleep late and catch up on errands, before returning to Gainesville via Naples (her boyfriend's father is treating her, his son, and his daughter to 3 nights at the Ritz Carlton there).

It's that time of summer where Fall beckons. Wifey and I took D2 to see Grandma today, and on the way home stopped at a school uniform place. D2's moronic high school voted to adopt uniforms last year, and D2 had to buy the acceptable T shirts and polos.

The uniform store was buzzing --mostly younger kids and their folks. This is our final "back to school" task, other than dorm furnishing, and it feels great!

IT occurred to me that I hadn't left the state all summer, and I'm happy with that. I just scheduled a trip to Long Island in 2 weeks --to meet with an engineer who's consulting with us on a defective saw case --so I'll be heading up to the homeland for the first time in years.

I'll probably drive by my old high school and give it a glance. This is my 30 year graduation anniversary. I'm not going to the scheduled reunion, which is scheduled for sometime in the Fall, but I guess I'll get my own back to school moment, too.

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