Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scary Pictures

I only have 15 minutes before Wifey and I leave for dinner and a Design District Gallery Walk, but I just saw some photos which so horrified me, I had to write about them, lest their disturbing effect on my soul ruin a Saturday night out...

Wifey lives on FaceBook (tm) and received some photos from my old friend Jeff. Jeff went to the MacArthur High 30 year reunion, apparently held last week. He sent photos.

Oh Lawd! , as many of my clients say when presented with horrible news. I saw about 30 names of people I remember quite well; I recognized about 5 of them.

Let's just say the Carmela Soprano look, plus about 70 lbs, seems to be the look many of the women are going for. And the men --either enormous NYPD off duty detective (complete with 70s era moustaches) or else skinny bald guy, with gray sideburns are the "look of the MacArthur alumnus."

Now --I'm way greater and fatter than I was in 1979, but still!

I gave it some thought. South Florida, like LA, is appearance obsessed. We make fun of the SPMs, or skinny Pinecrest moms we see in our 'hood all the time. And, my friend Ken, a radiologist, says he's amazed daily at the number of female patients with fake boobs, compared to Virginia and Boston, his former posts.

This is not something to be proud of, from a moral standpoint. But, I gotta tell ya, if you have to be in a room full of folks --choose the Palmetto High Class of 1979 reunion over the MacArthur High of Levittown one!

I had no desire to go to the event, and I'm glad I didn't. I was always known as the nice guy, and I still pride myself on making people around me feel good about themselves. So -- an evening of trying to bullshit people about how little they'd changed when they underwent COMPLETE metamorphoses would have been trying, to say the least.

I guess part of the problem is seeing someone every 10 years ( I went to my 20th reunion, and the changes weren't as catastrophic). When you see a person as they age, as I do with the 3 or 4 high school friends I keep in contact with, the changes aren't as stark.

Based on the photos I saw --STARK is the word.

OK --I feel better now. Wifey is calling --she looks pretty good, I must say. This year would be her 35th reunion. She's giving it a wide berth, too. Smart of her...

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