Monday, August 3, 2009

Special Treatment

Years ago I went our boating with two friends. I'll call them Rob and Mike, because those are their names. Rob and Mike went snorkeling, while I stayed on deck reading the Herald. To their happy surprise, the reef we were on was swarming with Florida lobsters.

Mike and Rob caught a bunch, and put them in a cooler. They measured them, to insure they were of legal size. A Florida Dept of Resources boat came by, and asked how we were, and if anyone were lobstering. "Yes sir!," I told him proudly, "my friends caught a bunch of 'em!"

The friendly officer asked if he could see. By this time Mike and Rob had clammered back aboard. The officer measured them; Mike and Rob measured them wrong --they were all "shorts." He issued Mike and Rob "Notices to Appear" for their violation of Florida law! He also took the lobsters.

Since I wasn't "arrested," it seemed fair that I ought to represent these 2 in County Court. We showed up a few months later, and Rob scanned the docket for his and Mike's names. Mike took the list from him, and said what have now become famous words: "No Rob, look on the rich white man's list!" Mike was kidding but he wasn't. Since my two friends had lawyers, and most of the other defendants that day in County Court had none, they had to wait for our cases to go first.

The judge turned out to be a friend of ours. She dismissed the charges after making much fun of Mike and Rob to her delighted courtroom. Rob asked the officer what happened to the seized lobsters. "Oh, we donate them to Camillus House for the homeless." Rob smirked, and said, sotto voce, "I have a feeling I'd like to be invited to the Marine Patrol's barbecue."

Anyway --we all enjoyed the special treatment. Who wouldn't?

Last Saturday, Wifey and D1 drove to North Miami for training that's required to take your dog to schools and rehab hospitals for therapy for the students/patients. D1 plans to take her little Spaniel on these outings in Gainesville this year.

The class holds 60, and they were numbers 61 and 62. The Nurse Ratchet-like bureaucrat wasn't having any of their sob story about driving 45 minutes to get there, how D1 was a student, etc... Then Wifey remembered: our friend Allison was a Board Member of the Animal Rescue League. She made a quick call, and immediately the angry gatekeeper changed her tune, and Wifey and D1 attended the class and got their certification.

On Sunday, D2 and I went to the class photographer for her senior pictures. D2's good friend's Dad owns the company. D2, typically frugal, only wanted a few poses done. Alas, her friend's sister was there, hugged D1, and announced "You're getting the Platinum Package, and there's no charge!" D1 beamed.

Of course, I had taken these folks out for meals several times, but it was, I must admit, something to give us a special feeling.

It's good to have friends in high places...

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