Saturday, March 23, 2024

There Are Places I Remember

 So I had a bunch of self care this week, beginning with a haircut with Dania, who has been cutting my hair since 1997. We met when D2 and her daughter were in kindergarten, and in the time since, I was "unfaithful" to her just one time. About 6 years ago, I asked for a quick appointment, in contrast to my usual chill customer style -- and she refused. So I went to a local barber, and came out looking like Anton Chigarghhh in the Coen Bros movie. I came crawling back to Dania.

She's a grandma now, as I am a grandpa, and each month or so as we meet, we marvel at how our little girls are now grown women, and how we went from young parents to abuelos. It happens.

Then I went to my dentist yesterday, and learned that he had finally retired, as had his long time hygienist Lucy. It's funny -- the past several cleanings I had Linda instead of Lucy, and the one check I had was with a nice young Cuban guy instead of the 75 year old Larry. I guess they thought it best to transition to the new people without telling me. That's ok, though Linda is MUCH tougher than Lucy was, and my gums are still sore today. But people age and move on.

After that, I went for my second ever solo pedicure. The Ds got me hooked -- it started as a Daddy/Daughter activity, but now I really enjoy them every few months. I walk out with feet looking less like the dinosaur claws I would otherwise have.

And it occurred to me, I AM getting old. I have noticed a very steep decline -- among friends as well as my own mentation, and it concerns me.

I used to be able to do several mental tasks at once -- answering emails while Wifey peppered me with questions about how to work something. Now she knows -- she has to wait. I need to focus.

Yesterday, a dear friend concerned me -- forgetting two important life events I had told him in the past fw months. I plan on mentioning it to him -- may be time for a check with a neurologist. But it made my heart sink.

Kenny has always said it's just a matter of actuarial science. The older we get, the fewer of our group (or cohort, to use a word Mark Cuban abhors since it makes the writer or speaker seem smarter than he is), survive. It's that simple.

Of course, the pleasant thing about life tables is that the longer you survive, the longer your life expectancy is, versus your younger self. That's because you escaped stuff that might have killed you off in earlier years.

My beloved Dad died at 63 years old plus two months. That milestone for me is due in September. I guess if the Big Man gets me past that, I will start playing with The House's money.

Meanwhile, nothing to do but savor each day, and I do. Tomorrow Wifey and I will fire up the man sized Caddy SUV and drive to Marathon. We'll be joined by D1 and her men later in the day -- Spring Break for the grandsons! We stay 2 nights, and D1 a third.

Then Wifey is off the first week in April with a Girls' cruise. Actually, she has prohibited me from using that term -- it is a Women's Cruise -- she and 3 friends to Cozumel and the Bahamas. Wifey really wants to pack in travel before it becomes too much of a hardship, physically.

I get that, but prefer to NOT travel so much anymore. I already have so many places I remember...

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