Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Year In Earnest

 So Larry David jokes that you shouldn't be allowed to say "Happy New Year" after January 5th. I think about it each time, during the last week, I got exactly that greeting -- typically from people I indeed have not seen since last year.

But 2024 is in full swing. Business is being done, home renovations are nearing completion. D2 and Jonathan are set to finally move into their new house on Friday -- after a 3.5 year slog involving a townhouse that was part of a fake deal. I think Wifey may be more excited than D2 is -- at least she's more verbal about it.

My job is to fetch the enormous puppy tomorrow, and keep her with us lest the stress of the move get to her. She's large but sensitive.

My other job tomorrow is to fetch Little Man, and meet D1 and Baby Man for a friend's birthday party. I can do this! Wifey begged off, since our friend Allison was due to visit, to keep on de-cluttering, but poor Al had a fall and is sidelined for awhile.

So just over half a year from now I turn 63. 63 plus 2 months is as far as my beloved Dad got on this planet. I think about him each day -- remembering him as an old man to my 20 year old self. Despite the obvious things, I really don't FEEL like an old man. I wonder if he did.

He savored his kids and grandkids as I do. He was happy to not travel to much -- same with me. The trips he and my Mom took were typically at her insistence -- and after he died -- she truly saw the world.

Wifey loves to cruise, and I wouldn't mind if I never took another one, but she knows how to change my view, and so planned one with Joelle and Kenny. We're flying to Barbados in late February, spending 2 nights, and then cruising back to Miami.

The line is a pretty new one -- an offshoot of MSC called Explora. They're supposedly smaller ships with great service. Give me good friends, martinis,and decent food, and I'm a happy guy. Also, the ports are places we've never been, like St. Kitts.

Later in March, D1 booked a family vacay at a resort in Marathon. I look forward to time with the Baby Man and Little Man -- lots to talk about marine life and ecology. Little Man is already a sponge -- he loves to learn. Baby Man loves to be adorable.

Wifey, ever restless, is already planning ANOTHER cruise -- but this one exclusively X chromosomed. She mentioned something about April. I heartily endorse this, and will happily dog sit.

I'm writing this today at Stu's corner Brickell office. So many people are walking past -- as well as the occasional food delivery robot. Where are they all going? Where do they come from?

It's nice to sit here and watch their wheels go round and round...

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