Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Life's Too Short

 What a weekend we had! Friday Paul and Patricia hosted a stellar shabbat -- great food, martinis with a view of the Bay from their lovely balcony, and, most importantly, delightful friendship.

Saturday Joelle and Kenny came by near sunset, and I got a roaring fire going in the firepit -- one of my favorite possessions. I poured us cocktails, and we talked of our upcoming cruise -- from Barbados back to Miami. We toasted our kids and grandkids, and of times to come. Wifey drove us to Platea, best restaurant in Pincecrest, and we shared a steak and some fish and great sides. I even had a glass of Malbec, along with Kenny, to keep the lovely buzz going.

It was deliciously cool, and I lit another fire -- this time sitting alone with a hot herbal tea, thanking the Big Man, and thinking about a nasty business dispute. I had an epiphany.

I called Paul the following morning, and we agreed -- no fighting. We were right, and a young lawyer was taking big advantage of the fact that his name was on a contract instead of the colleague who was SUPPOSED to have signed -- but so what? Life's too short to fight over money. My dear friend Mirta would say that's spoken by a man with plenty of money -- but it's true. We agreed to resolve the matter as the young fellow wanted -- and I was to learn two nights later a reason for his aggressiveness instead of fraternity.

But Sunday came first -- and D1 and Joey brought Little Man and Baby Man -- and we spent a delightful afternoon -- "peacock hunts" around the 'hood, feeding the pond fish and turtles, and even some quiet time watching "Paw Patrol."

The Little Man has transformed amazingly the past 3 months -- from a pain in the tuches late toddler to a delightful, inquisitive little boy. He rarely has tantrums anymore, and can be reasoned with when he doesn't get his way. Baby Man is a delight -- happy and quiet -- his older brother does most of the talking.

Joey asked me to make some martinis -- and I laughed. I used to have to drink when I was with MY suegro -- to handle his aggressiveness. But Joey assured me he, instead, enjoys my company and getting buzzed together. I believe him.

After D1 drove away, Wifey and I collapsed -- having small kids is for young people. Mike told me he just ran into a former classmate of ours -- our age -- with a new wife and 2 year old baby. My hands sweated at the thought of that -- better Mike D than me!

Sunday night we had our HOA Exec Meeting, and discussed the 'hood. The Exec Committee is 7 post menopausal women and me -- never one who menstruated.  I try to keep things light -- a few of them get my humor, and at least one finds me cumbersome. I don't blame her.

And then last night I met Mirta, my sister of another mister. It was terrific to catch up -- her oldest boy moved to S Carolina with a girlfriend Mirta really digs. It's great to hear about him spreading his wings.

So the epiphany, like many, isn't really that profound -- life is too short to fight unless you truly have to.

And I need to remember the lesson I seem to keep forgetting -- true friends are rare. I need to pull in my inner circle -- and not think others are truly members.

The great Harry S Truman said that if you want a friend in D.C. -- get a dog. Probably the same is true of the practice of law. And that's just fine with me -- I like dogs!

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