Sunday, July 17, 2022

Erev 61

 I like to make sort of big deals out of birthdays that fall on 00s or 5s, and sure enough, last year, for 60, I did just that. I had most of by BFFs decamp to the RC on Key Biscayne, for a weekend of serious drinking, eating, and laughter. It was delightful. 

The following Sunday evening, the Ds and their men met me at Capital Grille for ANOTHER big meal, and a wonderful time. I eased into my 61st year in grand style, just as I hoped.

Tomorrow I turn 61, and as the Mike Myers' character Linda Richman said, no big whoop. Except it is, by coincidence: D1 and Joey have given us our second grandson, and we're hosting his bris at our house. Grandson #1 had his bris in December of '19 at our consuegros' house, and so the kids figured it was our turn.

D1 and Joey hired a caterer, and Wifey has been puttering around the past days getting the house ready. It's turning into a bigger event than we had originally thought - -probably 50 people. But if you're gonna have a party -- might as well have a PARTY, I always say.

There'll be a smoked fish station, and cheese station, etc...Since the mohel and our friend Rabbi Yossi and Nechama are glatt kosher, a mashgiach, or kosher supervisor will be there. Yossi is just back from Israel today, where he was there with, of all things, a group of Evangelical Christians touring the Holy Land. My man gets around.

I joked with him that in our 27 years of friendship, this is the first time I can serve him and Nechama a proper meal at my house. It's about time!

Unlike the last big party we hosted, D2's 30th back in February, this time there will be no DJ. But there WILL be some day drinking -- several L'chaims must be observed, as is tradition. Unfortunately, Eric and Dana can't make it -- Dana is in, hip hibernation, as D1 called it - keeping away from anyone before an elective surgery on Wednesday -- but I think my nephew of another mister, Josh, is setting up a Zoom link for them, so they can at least have some virtual whitefish and babka.

So I figured that was it for my 61st, but D2 and Jonathan weren't having it. They invited me to lunch today, at a place called Osaka -- a Japanese place on Brickell Bay Drive. D2 had been there and loved it, and indeed it may have been the finest lunch I've had in recent memory.

Of course, being old as fuh I WAZED the place as Kyoto , and found nothing. Once I got my Japanese city correct, I made it there easily.

We had a terrific lunch, and they gave me the gift I always love: a bottle of Stoli Elit. It's already in my freezer being prepared for shots or martinis.

Wow. 61. I had just finished my freshman year at college when Dad turned 61. I was home from UM for intercession before returning for Summer session, and Mom and I took him to Gentleman Jim's, a restaurant in Boynton Beach. They had a great salad bar, as did many places from that era. I remember thinking: boy is my Dad OLD! Sixty one to a 19 year old may as well have been 80. Of course, now that I'm playing in that stadium, it seems like there is indeed a BIG difference between 61 and 81.

On Thursday, I was in the office and saw Stu's Dad for the first time since the plague. He's 87, and still works two days per week, but he is bent over like a pretzel. He has begun using a walker. He told me a funny tale: Florida requires more frequent eye tests for elderly drivers, and he saw a local eye doc -- he was cleared for ONE year. Bill sent the form in, and got a license renewal for 8 years. "95! No way I'll be alive then!" But I reassured him -- you never know.

Since Dad died when he was 63, I've lived my whole life assuming I wouldn't live too long either. I have statins to take now, which he never did, and I try to exercise much more, and shed the anxiety he kept inside. Mom lived until 93 -- so if it's a split, I'll get to 78. Hell -- I'd sign up for that right now!

But whatever the number, I am thankful for each day.

And tomorrow ought to be a banner one!

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