Sunday, July 3, 2022

A Wistful July 4 Memory

 So we had a fine time with Deb and Norman last night, along with Barry and Donna and some lovely neighbors of Deb and Norm. We ate well and laughed, and wished Deb happy travels as she leaves for Canada this weekend -- enjoying the cooler weather until September.

Tomorrow evening, for the Fourth, we had tentative plans to meet Barry and Donna again, at Captain's Tavern, but I called and was reminded they're closed Mondays. No exceptions for the holiday.

So I called an audible and got us a reservation at the Palm -- a place we also all love. We were last there last July for Barry's birthday. It's time for another visit.

But then I recalled another July 4 at the Palm -- must have been 2011 or 2012. They ran a special: $17.76 for a NY Strip, in honor of the US. Our dear friend Elizabeth was staying with us, and we went there, also with Deb and Norman. We feasted, as I recall, and afterwards went to D1's apartment on Brickell to watch the Bayfront Park fireworks.

If I recall, those were blocked by the Brickell high rises, but we DID see other displays: Doral, Hollywood, and maybe others.

Well, of course Elizabeth is gone, now, dying tragically too soon. We still miss her terribly. 

Earlier today, I stood and reflected about her -- by a small garden she had planted during one of her many visits. Wifey bought a metal sign calling it "Elizabeth's Garden," and indeed it is. She was so beautiful, inside and out, and it still doesn't feel real that she is no longer alive. And the July 4 of a decade or so ago just brings the memories into focus.

Today, D2 and Jonathan dropped off the enormous puppy -- they're at a barbecue a few blocks away. Betsy whined when they left, and then promptly plopped down beside me. This is comfortably her second home.

D1 and Joey invited us over tomorrow afternoon -- so we get to see the beautiful grandson as well. And, the logistics are perfect, as they live about 15 minutes away from The Palm.

Meanwhile, the Plague is still around. My man Paul tested positive this week, though fortunately with mild symptoms. As a 4 time vaxxed, had Covid guy, I'm really over it myself. Barry reminded us last night that of the people hospitalized in his system, 75% are unvaxxed. 

It appears we're just going to have this stuff around -- and after nearly 2.5 years of fearing it, the fear has simply faded. It may be naive, of course, but that seems to be a reasonable approach.

We have neighbors, two married women, in their mid 60s and early 70s, who remain petrified -- posting constantly on FaceBook about constant testing and fear. That ain't me, baby -- not any more, anyway.

So my 60th July 4 is upon me. As a kid, July was my favorite month -- a favorite holiday, and my birthday a fortnight later.

July also became the month of my beloved Dad's death -- July 14 - so that's tempered a bit. But it's still a fine month.

Actually, they all are.

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