Friday, February 11, 2022

Hot Guys In The House

 So we never cook, but Wifey decided we needed all new appliances. So in August we visited Bouche, the local retailer of high end stuff, and ordered a new oven, gas cooktop, refrigerator, dishwasher, and trash compactor. They all had to be stainless steel, which went out of favor in favor of white, but is not back in style, apparently.

Around September, the cabinet maker Abraham, an affable Israeli, took out our old, but working double oven, and built a drawer to take up some of the space. The new model is a single oven with a microwave on top, which excites Wifey beyond normal explanation. She LOVES being able to get rid of the free standing microwave which takes up counter space.

So since September, we have been oven-less, and again, since we never cook, it hasn't been a problem. For T Day the caterers brought in warming trays, and we all ate well. And then, in December, the oven and all appliances EXCEPT the fridge were delivered to our garage. The fridge? Maybe March -- and it's ok, since I have a temp model that I got free from Home Depot when they screwed up the order.

Anyway -- the installer came by and did a "pre installation." Miguel is a very nice Venezuelan fellow, and Wifey told him we really needed the oven by Saturday the 12th, on account of another party. D2 is having friends over for her belated 30th -- with napkins that say "Party Like It's 1992."

But then there was a delay...the installer said he could come Monday, Valentines's Day. Uh oh -- the caterer NEEDS an oven for these fancy apps. 

So Wifey called, and Miguel said he could come by today, and indeed, he did, with his lovely wife, and assistant, a Cuban American guy who acted as translator. They got the new unit in -- and turned it on -- said it needed 3 hours to set itself. But it works!

Ah -- joy in Pinecrest. The party is set to go -- 35 or so Millennials with a hip hop playlist. They have a bartender, and my goal is to clear out stuff I've had for too long -- anyone want some 20 year old Goldschlager? I'm betting they do not.

Miguel was going to come back Monday for the rest of the job sans fridge -- but I told him not to bother. The other stuff works fine, though it's of the wrong race -- white, not steel -- and we might as well wait for everything to come in and finish the install.

It WAS time for an update -- we moved here 22 years ago, and stuff gets old.

I doubt the new oven will get more use than the old one. I estimated that from 2000 through 2021, the old oven might have been used 30 times -- mostly as a heater for catered food.

Nice to have these issues -- and happy 30 D2!

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