Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Slower Pace Of An Emptier House

 So today is day 6 of my Wifey-less house, and all is well. She is happily enjoying herself in Atlanta, and D2 and Jonathan and I are getting by.

Yesterday I met Paul and Lou at Mo's, and we three Ashkenazim ate a lunch fit for our heritage -- including a comical photo of Lou posing with the two oversized matzoh balls he wanted on the side of his soup. Afterwards, we retired to Gulfstream where we each invested huge stakes ($100 for Paul and me; $40 for Lou) for a joint venture of wagering.

I'm not much a fan of horse racing, or really ANY gambling, but being with two guys who savor it made it fun for me, especially in the beautiful afternoon. And -- Paul, having cojones, bet $60 on a long shot which came in -- we each won $100 on the day! When I got home, I gave 2 $50 bills to D2, and told her the winnings were for her and D1. D2 said it was unlikely D1 would see her share. Luck IS everything...

Last evening I walked over to neighbor Denie's house for our neighborhood's HOA Executive Committee meeting. Denie, the Republican, was maskless, and the other women, Gloria, Allison, Ellen, and Lee Ann, all Dems, stayed masked up.

Denie poured me white wine, and I we set about our agenda. Allison, the new President, got stuff moved along, and when they asked about Wifey's report (She's Crime Watch Chair and we have zero crime), I answered that I slept with the Chair and could therefore report. I got a lot of laughs with that one.

Today Jonathan left for a day trip to Dallas, and D2 is working away in the living room. Her canine assistants keep going back and forth between her and me -- always bringing a smile.

Meanwhile, since Wifey never answers her phone, her late friend Elizabeth's sister called me. It seems that Elizabeth, always OCD, left instructions about bequeathing her possessions to no fewer than 45!!!! people. Wifey and the Ds are among them -- some art pieces, I think. I was asked if the Ds and Wifey wanted any of the un-bequeathed items. I politely declined -- we all need more decluttering -- but I'm sure Wifey and the Ds will enjoy having a small material piece of our beloved, late friend.

I told my ladies that I wished the opposite when I leave this mortal coil. I want them and my sons in law to poach whatever they want from my stuff, and the rest is to be quickly taken to either Goodwill or the local transfer station -- our fancy word for dump.

Other than a few books with special meaning, like a copy of Gray's Anatomy my Dad gave me when I was starting pre-med, or the Robert Frost book I was given when I was awarded Outstanding English Graduate of 1983, I really couldn't care less about any of my stuff.

I had two expensive watches -- a Rolex and a Breitling -- and gave them to my sons in law already. I feel possessions own me and not the other way around, and the last thing I would ever want would be to burden anyone with bequeathments. Hell -- my 70s-90s era vinyl collection goes to anyone willing to schlep it away.

So it's pretty quiet around here. Tomorrow I see Dr. Herman for the removal of the stitches from my Mohs surgery. There's a Zoom cocktail meet at 6, followed by a cocktail party at 7.

As for the weekend -- not much on tap -- maybe a visit to the adorable grandson.

I simply have no desire to travel anywhere. I suppose the thought of having to strategize around Covid still makes it untenable for me. But it's also the most beautiful time of year in Miami -- why go anywhere else? In fact, some cool nights are on the way -- which means the firepit will get some use.

Come to think of it, that rusted bowl is one of my favorite possessions. No one would even want that.

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