Saturday, January 29, 2022

Baby It's Cold Outside

 We finally got our first real cold front in Miami this year -- and it's a real one. Tomorrow am temps are to drop to 39 with wind chills into high 20s -- coldest in 11 years! Last night the chill winds blew into the guest room -- my decamped sleeping quarters as Wifey finishes the end of Omicron Covid. The room has two small windows facing East, and a large one facing West -- and the ventilation is seriously good. I slept and dreamt of my childhood on LI -- cold winter nights.

We had a lovely Zoom -- Barry and Donna and Eric and Dana with guest appearances by Barry's boys. Everyone asked for Wifey -- she refused at first, but ultimately came down for a cameo appearance. D2 and Jonathan were on Brickell -- I ate my Publix meatloaf and pasta -- and enjoyed a few Ketels.

Today the sun was bright and the temps still low -- 50s -- and I actually fell asleep in a chaise lounge out front -- guarded by Betsy, who hung with after chasing away some intruding peafowl.

Joey and D1 are at a birthday party close by with the Little Man -- they may stop by on their way home, but stay outside in an abundance of Covid caution. That's ok -- though Wifey seems completely recovered, and thankfully the rest of her Pinecrest Roommies are fine.

Tonight there WILL be a fire in the fire pit -- before the temps drop too low. D2 and Jonathan actually had dinner plans cancel -- they dine outdoors with friends, and tonight will be too cold! It's not too often that happens round these parts.

Last night, after the Zoom, and in the nice afterglow of the adult beverages, Wifey and I talked for a good long while. It was refreshing -- when you're married to someone for 35 years, you think you're pretty good at knowing how they think about things -- how they process life events they   know or hear about.

Well -- without going into the details, the substance was learning about another marriage, and the issues they face, and my discovering Wifey's opinions about its pathology were the exact opposite of my opinions. It doesn't affect us in any way, but it was as if we both looked at a painting, and one saw two horses while the other saw a ballet dancer. It just shows that if you truly listen as you go, as Tito Puente advised, you really DON'T know what you're going to hear. How about that?

Also last night, we talked about a possible trip -- which would be my first time on an airplane since December of '19. We have, or I do, some reason to visit D.C. and I think Wifey may wish to come along. Hopefully the trip can be arranged during cherry blossom time. I've been there two times during that part of the Spring -- and it's magical.

Once was the classic walk through the middle of the Mall. Another time, Kenny and Joelle took me to a residential neighborhood in Bethesda, MD, and it was lovely -- the blossoms fell like fragrant snow. I hope to experience that again.

Meanwhile, I continue in my study of human nature -- particularly relationships. My Florida sister always loves to quote Don Henley's lyric "Every form of refuge has its price" which explains why people put up with some awful things just to have a place.

I wonder, though, what price is worth it, sometimes. I hear more and more about fully crappy partners, who pull outrageous acts, and their partners stay with them for lifestyle, to not have to work, etc...I guess you truly have to get in another's skin and walk around in it for awhile, as Atticus Finch said, to even try to understand.

Meanwhile, the Little Man DID make his brief appearance -- playing with an inflatable dinosaur he apparently purloined from the party. We kept our distance, and all adored him, and then he and his parents were off.

D2 and Jonathan got out the old NYC winter gear and went to the outdoor dinner after all. I sat by the firepit drinking some gourmet tea D1 left for me.

I guess we'll actually close the windows tonight -- and tomorrow defrost the three dogs. Nice to have this weather for a brief bit -- but just a brief bit.

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