Sunday, January 9, 2022

Temporary Bachelorhood

 Before the Plague, Wifey would go, at least once a year, to visit her BFF Edna in Atlanta, and I'd typically stay home as a dog sitter. It was always nice to have the big house to myself and the dogs, and I would always sort of fantasize I was an eccentric old man living alone in a big house. I'd often go to local spots, like Shula's or Sea Siam, and sit at the bar and order dinner and drinks. I enjoyed it.

Well, Wifey hasn't traveled in well over 2 years. In '19 D1 had the Little Man, and there was a big, fat Venezuelan wedding to plan. And then, of course, came the Plague.

But she went away Friday, for an 11 day stay in the Peachtree State, and I get to play the role again.

Last night, my friend Mike's sister Jeannine, staying at her nephew Chris's new house, invited me to come along to their family dinner at Christie's, one of my favorites. The foursome came by, and we pregamed, and greeted D2 and Jonathan and Betsy as they returned from Aventura.

The dinner was delightful -- we go back nearly 4 decades -- and had a lot of nostalgia to cover. Chris is getting married in April, and his fiancee was out at her bachelorette party on the Beach. We feasted, and followed the beginning of Canes at Duke -- the biggest game for the team in probably 10 years. After dinner, we dropped off Loni and headed to Chris and Rachel's new house in Palmetto Bay -- it was lovely - with Butters, a happy Corgi, jumping around.

And we 4 die hard Canes got to see our team shock the Blue Devils -- biggest win in awhile -- and first time they beat a Top 5 team on the road since last century. Literally. We savored the win, and then Mike dropped me back to a quiet house -- the millennials were still out on the Beach with their friends.

Wifey called from her Sprinter -- apparently a Mercedes van that Edna's daughters rented to transport their party to a Korean barbecue place for Erica's birthday party. So we each had a great Saturday night -- just in adjoining states.

Post nap, D1 and Joey are bringing Little Man over for the afternoon. We'll roam the streets with him -- he rarely stays in his stroller anymore -- and let him see the peafowl and gatos of the 'hood.

His preschool is closed until Wednesday on account of a positive Covid test, and I think either Monday or Tuesday D1 is bringing him back here -- and maybe his first trip to Zoo Miami, where he can see actual versions of the many animals in his books. It's so delightful to watch him learn and grow.

Tomorrow night, Kenny and Joelle have asked me to meet them at Root and Bone -- Monday is fried chicken night! And Wednesday evening, after my trip to Aventura to flee our housekeeper during the day, I have our neighborhood Association's Executive Board meeting. Wifey is on the Board, too, but will be absent. I told her I'd take notes.

So, so far, the latest incarnation of temporary single man status is going just fine. Plus, I have boomerang millennials to keep me company, with their enormous puppy. Hopefully this week they learn some concrete news about their long delayed Grove house project.

But as of my present condition, Sonos is playing The Bridge -- soft rock from my youth -- and all else are asleep.

As Arthur said in one of my favorite movies - it doesn't suck.

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