Sunday, January 16, 2022

One Year Later -- Thankfully All Is Well

 So 2020 was rough -- because of the plague, of course. Our Little Man turned one in December, though, and as the year ended, vaccines were finally available! I was able to shuck and jive my way to one in early January of '21, but Wifey was thwarted. Still -- 2021 dawned with an air of optimism. And then Fate said "Hold My Beer."

On January 15, Wifey had a major medical event -- requiring a week in the hospital, and months of rehabilitation. I was scared -- probably more than she was -- since she is generally more of an upbeat person when it comes to the future. I often see the darkest possibilities and assume they'll come to pass.

And yesterday came and went -- a very unpleasant anniversary. But thankfully Wifey recovered -- so much that she felt able, and in fact did, take her first trip since 2019 -- 11 days with her BFF Edna.

So much went down -- and we thankfully avoided the worst of Covid -- she actually got her first jab as she was leaving the Rehab Hospital at Jackson Memorial. Now Omicron is everywhere, but far less scary. No one wants it, but we vaxxed and boosted don't really think we'll end up in the hospital or graveyard.

Today, for the first time in a long while, I had the house truly to myself. D2 and Jonathan volunteered (well, D2 did) for babysitting duty for a few nights while her sister and brother in law are away. Wifey's due back Tuesday afternoon -- and complicated logistics will ensue -- I have to fetch her, and take her to D1's house to take over for D2 for one night -- and then fetch Wifey Wednesday afternoon.

I watched, so far, most of 3 NFL playoff games. A violent short storm blew in -- winds were probably gale force, and the rain poured like it was Summer. After it passed, I opened the doors and enjoyed the breeze. Betsy, the 87 lb fur child of D2 and Jonathan, was out by the pool, chilling, I thought. In fact she was romping in the mud of several huge flower pots, and then dragged the mud in. I got to her before she painted any furniture, and hosed her off, and then cleaned the floor.

And I thought -- let that annoyance be my real problem in life --dealing with a huge, goofy dog. She looked at me with her soulful eyes, and seemed to say "Hey -- that's how I roll, Grandpa -- what are ya gonna do?"

I ordered a salad for dinner, but somehow Uber Eats brought Chinese instead. Ha. That's my story, anyway.

But back to Wifey. She's been enjoying doing very little in Atlanta. Today there was a dusting of snow -- seemed like a good excuse to not leave Edna's house. And the thought of her intact made me smile.

2022. The experts say Omicron has peaked. I sure hope so -- so many around us have it. Let there be no bad medical surprises -- January 15, 2021 gave me enough.

A year of renewed health -- now wouldn't that be grand?

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