Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Covid Week Continues

So indeed Wifey was probably the last, or one of the last Miami residents to get Regeneron on Monday, before the FDA said it was worthless for Omicron and the state, kicking and screaming, shut down the Regeneron sites. The tech had told her her symptoms would abate within 24 hours.

And guess what? She awoke Tuesday am feeling totally better! Of course, the science indicates that her improvement is coincidental to the Regeneron, and it probably is. But who truly knows? All we DO know is that Wifey feels like she had an exorcism -- and is resting with very manageable symptoms.

She remains isolated in our master bedroom -- I bring her meals and tea and supplies. Her doc and the CDC guidelines say she can come out of isolation tonight, albeit still masked up for another 5 days. She says to be safe she may wait until tomorrow for her emergence, as her symptoms began in earnest on Saturday am.

Meanwhile, if our house was a We Work and charged by actual work, I would be making bank! D2 and Jonathan both put in marathon days yesterday -- other than a quick lunch, both were on calls or screens for probably 11 hours. These millennials work far harder than I did -- and for the first 20 years of my law career, I DID work long hours.

But, in nice news, today is their 2nd wedding anniversary, and they have plans for a lovely dinner in the Gables. On our morning Betsy walk, I offered Jonathan a pre dinner L'chaim. I'll be partaking at 7.

I remain a literary dilettante, and have a Zoom tonight with a company that does literary pub crawls. I take them whenever I visit a new city -- Dublin, Key West, NOLA, and when D2 and Jonathan moved to the West Village, one Saturday D2 and I took one. She was a good sport -- I thoroughly enjoyed it -- who knew that John Wilkes Booth planned his fateful act from a building in the Village? I also learned about Chumley's -- a pub that has hosted more Pulitzer and Nobel winners than any other -- F Scott and Zelda married there.

Anyway, I got on the company's email list, and last year attended one of the virtual functions -- their tour guides reading their original poetry as we all drank. It was free, but tips were welcomed at the end, and of course I supported their effort. That won me another freebie -- tonight at 7 - and I plan to pour some Ketel and tonic and maybe learn something.

Our family text groups are aflame with pictures and videos of the Big, Fat, Venezuelan wedding of two years ago. D2 sent a video of my friends and I doing The Worm, as we have done at parties since the early 80s, and wiseass D1 remarked that she was truly amazed my friends and I were able to get up off the dance floor from our supine wiggling. Actually, I was amazed as well...

So if all goes to plan, Wifey gets to unmask Monday evening or Tuesday am. And hopefully that's it for us, Covid-wise.

We all realize how lucky we are. If you have to be stuck, stuck in Miami in January isn't too bad. I just hope the virus is beating a retreat. 

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